[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 668


Yeah, he says it's gonna be February 23rd )))). If I'd have raised the stop to 3350 I'd still be cursing, but I'm having fun now ))))

is there a website with a curse generator on the net? )))) After all the things Article has done, he should... he should... I think he's gonna marry you now.
scratch scratch...

I don't itch, I wash.

I can advise you on detergents.


is there a site on the internet with a mate generator, or can I get it for you? )))) After all the things he's done, he's got to... he's got to... I think he's gonna marry you now.

)))))))))))))))))))))))) Or he'll get hit by a tram himself.

Now Dryga will give us a lot of joy and we'll go down.



who are you girl? ))))))) you make me laugh sometimes))))))))) it's nice to see someone else laughing

Gina, here's your candidate for happy colours))))

let him paint himself, i'm gonna have a cup of coffee and fire up my brain and see if i can get out of it with the rest of the depo ))))

if you had sold a mobile better than uranium-235, you would have gotten so much emotion right away )))))

I do not want to defend anyone, but do not you see that the EUR is pulled up by the ears? And it can topple at any time. So we may see the 1.3150. And you will all say different.


I certainly do not want to defend anyone, but do not you see that the eura is pulled up by the ears? And at any moment they can topple? So we may see and 1.3150. And you will all say differently.

"And those of you who remain alive will be jealous of the (ha-ha) dead."

Sold out too, I don't think Landon and Frankfurt will surprise any more today.

I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna goth-paint you with your turkeys and throw you under the tram )))))))))))... I'm hugging a moose )))) It's only a short time till I'm fully flush ))))))))))))
You wouldn't happen to have a dragon tattoo on your back, would you?)
Of course I do not want to defend anyone, but do not you see that the eur is being pulled up by the ears? And at any time it can topple? So we can see and 1.3150. And you will all say different.

There is no difference in the reasons for the rise.

The time will come and they will topple over.

Go for the price without thinking.

Of course I do not want to defend anyone, but can not you see that the EUR is being pulled to the top by the ears? And at any moment it may topple? So we may see 1.3150. And you will all say different.

I'm a political prostitute... I'm a political prostitute... we go down, we go down... tensions over iran + price of oil, catch your own reversals, i'd rather go later but with the market

I don't itch, I wash.
I like scratching better!!!!!