[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 210


We're talking about one, but a working one ))) Ideally, such a system has no monetary value )))) Even for the sake of a small approximation to the ideal it is worth doing something, and everything else is in the bin )))

The bin index is increasing by the way (in the UK) it's a national disaster

I didn't think of that )))))) and rightly so, let him teach and let him pay )))))))))))

Are we going to listen to him for free?

Are we going to listen to him for free?

After we eat and drink everything at his place, we'll go to the mabila man, who probably has more Snickers bars ))))

It's about one but working )))) Ideally - such a system has no cash equivalent )))) Even for the sake of a little approximation to the ideal is worth doing something, and everything else - in the trash ))))

If there is no certainty of profitability then it's not a TS, it could be some method to test.

And will you find TC go away? I wonder where in the underground? (:- I'm from underground with a profitable tchk. I can not write more can not be afraid of getting trapped).


I think so too, but I'm afraid to get in now ))))

after we eat and drink everything at his place, we're going to go to the maby's. He's probably got more Snickers bars than that ))))
no one's home.

Where's the stop? Or are you one of Mobile's followers?))

A normal target will do.

If there is no certainty of profitability, it's not a TS, it may be some kind of method to test.

If you find a TS, will you go underground? (:- I'm from underground with a profitable tchk. I can't write any more for fear of being traced).

What do you mean where? ))) )))) In the mid-term is my dream, but in general I would like to go long term))) But I need to increase my deposit and split it into different brokerage companies and different pairs)))