[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 188

You're a gambler here too! (I went to the casino for six months before handing - I was building up my character (I had a prayer with me - for daily bread...) - I read it out loud and a card comes up - people used to get hooked on one hand - you make a bet and three more people throw to your cell - it's funny to remember))))))). Stay of course!
Thank God - I've never been to or gambled in a casino.
Thank God - I've NEVER been to or gambled in a casino.
That's why you're farting )))))))))).
Hi all, a question for the old-timers, did it seem to YOU that we passed 3180 and 3220 too easily?
Thank God - I've never been to or gambled in a casino.

You came to the market with no system, no rules of capital management, with the idea that you're going to make some money. Every day thousands of people like you prepare for trading to take money from each other. You have to be more than just the best to make money.) Profit in general.
Hi all, a question for the old-timers, did it seem to YOU that we went too easily 3180 and 3220?
i'm not an old-timer, but it was easy )))) that's why i got salted up
Hi all, a question for the old-timers, did it seem to YOU that we passed 3180 and 3220 too easily?
That was the intention - the stops must have been there.


and there probably won't be a second impulse.


And another thing... it's not about showing off, but again, it's good advice - you entered the market without a system, without the rules of capital management, with the idea that you are about to make money. Every day thousands of people like you prepare for trading to take money from each other. You have to be more than just the best to make money.) Profits in general.
He has clear entries, maybe there is a technical term, it does not have to be described here (intellectual property!)
He has clear inputs by the way - maybe there's some technical stuff that doesn't need to be explained here (intellectual property!)
thanks, tantrik.)
Thanks, tantric.)

I don't really care. It's your money. Do what you want with it.