[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 122

Oh mobilich mobilich... I haven't taught you anything ))))

Haven't come for a long time and don't come. The doors are closed )

Do good and it will find you))))))
Strange ...give the INVESTOR a normal one who won't crap on his own depot.
Teletrade !? You got a depot open there!? I've heard a lot of bad things about them! I live in Dnipro and their office is nearby, but I opened one in Admiral! Although there is no representation in the city, only in Kyiv!
This is not a brokerage house, this is the real extortionists .
Oh mobilich mobilich... I haven't taught you anything ))))

Kolya, hey. He's all yours))))

Kolyan, hi. It's yours))))
It's fresh! But it's fighting back! More ))) (Just kidding, no offence!)
Strange ... give me an INVESTOR who won't go around shitting on his own depot.

I had them come to me last week if I knew what you need, but I didn't get their coordinates. On Mt5 and here throw the word))), but it's you know - may be normal, and may be a new hemorrhoids)))
The price is now running clearly with the minute stochastic! Just like they taught me at school! ))

They came to me last week if I knew what you need, but I didn't get the coordinates from them. On Mt5 and here, put out a call)))), but you know how it is - it might be OK, but it might be a new pain in the ass)))).
If anyone shows up, give them my coordinates .
If anyone shows up, give them my coordinates.


Hi all.

EUR/USD Heading for 1.26 - SocGen

1008 EURO/USD Greenwich Mean Time heading for 1.26, SocGen says last week's 1.3025 gives way. Now at 1.3036, the bank says 1.2930-1.2925, and 1.2855 should offer support on the way down, with resistance on any rise to be found at 1.3090 and 1.3135. (gary.stride

Rough translation.of course, but what do you say, the H4-down gents too.Could it be?