[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 94


Maybe that's about the size of it)


Maybe that's about the size of it)

I believe it, and what the buy now is not! IMHO

Maybe that's about the size of it)

Very similar to the truth!

Just buying in, both at 1.29 and 1.28. For weekend reflection))):

100% we'll buy in, there's no movement on the downside, if it flies - so it flies...

I'll see a strong move down, not on macro data - I'll sell, but you can see from the movements that no one is selling it yet.... Everyone knows that when it flies down, one candle can cover three or five days of gains, but that's not happening...


Maybe that's about the size of it)

Maybe, or maybe a truncation. If it's the way you've drawn it, it's another 2-3 days.


100% will buy in, there is no movement on the downside, if it flies - so it flies...

I will see a strong downward movement and not on macro data - I will sell, but it is clear from the movements that no one is selling it yet.... Everyone knows that when it flies down, one candle can overlap three or five days of gains, but it doesn't happen...

And I want to point out that the eu was going down and the DOW and the entire fund were going up and this is not in favour of the dallar, this is a scam... someone wanted to make money...
And I want to point out that the eu was going down and the DOU and the whole fund was going up, which is not in the dallar's favour, it's a scam... someone wanted to make money....

A southern gap would come in very handy))))

It could, or it could be truncated. If the way you've drawn it, it's another 2-3 days.

Yeah, that's about right. And if the triangle is drawn in a wave (c), it will be even longer.

Here's how it might turn out to be a crawl all week...


Yeah, that's about right. And if a triangle draws in a wave (c), it will be even longer.

Here's how it might turn out to be crawling downhill all week...

This one has already been done in a correction.

A southern gap would come in very handy)))
to absorb the week?