What is this all about?! - page 13


Lisa, are you going to leave us from tomorrow too?

Geez, what an asshole your Batka is...

As I understand it, no one will be leaving us. It will be impossible to sell goods and provide services not from ".by".

It does not matter if he has any desire! It doesn't matter if you buy from him at the same time or in different directions. It doesn't matter how much of a position he has!


The law of supply and demand is an objective economic law that establishes the relationship between the supply and demand of goods in the marketplace and their prices. Everything else being equal, the lower the price of a good, the greater its effective demand (willingness to buy) and the smaller its supply (willingness to sell). Normally the price is set at an equilibrium point between supply and demand. The law was finally formulated in 1890 by Alfred Marshall.

Speculators have no incentive to establish an equilibrium point.

And they do not obey the law of supply and demand, they buy only if they believe they can sell at a better price.

With the same strategy, it is clear that they will not buy from each other. Consequently, there will be no equilibrium point.

If the price goes down, it does not mean that the speculator will decide to buy more volume, in other words, it is inconsistency with the law of supply and demand.

As I understand it, no one will leave us. It will not be possible to sell goods and provide services not from ".by"
Including informational ones. But metaquote sites provide information services (e.g. Work).

Speculators are not motivated to establish an equilibrium point.

And they do not obey the law of supply and demand; they only buy if they believe they can sell at a better price.

If the strategy is the same, they will not buy from each other. Therefore, there will be no equilibrium point.

If the price goes down, it doesn't mean that the speculator will choose to buy more, in other words, it's not in accordance with the law of supply and demand.

Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody in the market is motivated to establish an equilibrium point. Nobody!!!!! And they don't submit to it.

The equilibrium point sets itself. The price is subject to the law of supply and demand.

It has nothing to do with any trading strategy.

If the price goes down, it means supply exceeds demand.

Imagine a brick and the law of gravity - the brick has no motive to establish an equilibrium point. None.

lizzavet: He's not a good man!

Yes, yes, I saw what was in the first draft.

Even our GDP is unlikely to do such a thing.


I am not discussing its applicability and have not discussed it anywhere. I have said, am saying and will continue to say that it is through supply and demand that the price in forex changes and it obeys the law of supply and demand.

Like the law of gravity and bricks. There are neoclassical bricks, neoclassical bricks, classic bricks, you can look at it through a prism but it is still affected by the law of gravity

The law of supply and demand applies, but on small timeframes( in milliseconds).

On large timeframes this law is not sufficient for price formation.


The speculator is the same market participant as the central bank. everyone trades at the same prices on the same floor.

If you send such an amount of one currency to the market at once (one order, for example, to buy the Eurobucks), then you buy at Bid. and by the cup, you rake all the Bids down, because someone has to sell you this very 1 billion, i.e., the Askis will stay in place and the Bids will fall. When you buy 1 billion. market participants who sold you the euro will start to put buy orders just above the current bid, so the slider starts to fill with orders up on Bids. The spread is narrowing. In this case, the market is thin enough. In this case, it turns out that with 0.1 lot you can move the market by 10 or even 100 pips.

Strange logic - if I want to buy, I'll buy from the lowest price and upwards, until I buy the whole required volume. And that's how I move the price up. I start buying at the lowest price! Why would I buy at the high price and move down???
This includes information services. But methaquot sites provide information services (e.g. Work).

Bastards! Just let me get a court summons for an administrative offence... with a fine of 1 million roubles! - I'll go to Miami.

The law of supply and demand works, but on small timeframes (in milliseconds).

On large timeframes this law is not sufficient for price formation.

Always and everywhere in forex. Regardless of the timeframe. Only supply and demand and nothing more.

If you think of another factor, you get a Nobel Prize as the man who turned the entire ec theory upside down.

All portfolio theory is based on the law of supply and demand. All methods of evaluation of derivatives, etc.


No one, no one, no market participant has any motive to establish an equilibrium point. Nobody!!!!! And they don't obey it.

The equilibrium point is set by itself. The price is subject to the law of supply and demand.

The equilibrium point is set by itself for objective reasons.

The speculator has no such reasons, and even has a reason for not setting this point. And all this because he has no need to buy or sell.

In the law of supply and demand in the market, participants have fundamental reasons that do not change in a short time to buy or sell at a certain price. that is why trades and an equilibrium point are possible.

A speculator has no such reason; he changes his desire to buy or sell based on statistics.