What is this all about?! - page 12


Our breadwinner, ..... you put it mildly) And why such questions? I'm not going to leave you.
Well, mt4.com is hosted in Germany, not Belarus...
Your father has forbidden you to surf foreign websites.

That can't be true.

What kind of "classic" buying and selling.... What are the "non-classic" ones? Is there a "non-classic" one? Why are you making all this up?

I am not making this up, the classical theory of supply and demand cannot be applied here and is not even possible in principle.
Well, mt4.com is hosted in Germany, not Belarus...

For the Russian ones, it won't prohibit it for sure. And there are proxy-servers in Russia. So, nothing)

A speculator offers you to buy from him for 10 and sell from him for 8.

He has no desire to hold a position of his own. The ideal for the speculator is that you buy from him and sell at the same time, and he makes a profit and his position always equals zero.

Therefore, he does not ask or offer. He is trying to make the price more stable.

It doesn't matter if he has any desire! It does not matter whether you buy from him at the same time or in different directions. It doesn't matter how much of a position he has!


lizzavet: That can't be right.
Read the news. Just read it carefully.
I am not making this up, the classical theory of supply and demand cannot be applied here and is not even possible in principle.

I am not discussing its applicability and have not discussed it anywhere. I have said, am saying and will continue to say that it is supply and demand that changes the price in forex and it obeys the law of supply and demand.

Like the law of gravity and bricks. There are neoclassical bricks, neoclassical bricks, classical bricks, you can look at them through a prism, but the law of gravity still applies to them

Well, mt4.com is hosted in Germany, not Belarus...
Already in Russia. And so is forum 5.
Read the news.

He is not a good man! He wants to turn the country into North Korea!

Talking badly about power is not allowed - six years! Gathering more than three is forbidden! Mass action displeasing the authorities (already, after amendments to the law, and inaction) is prohibited.

The new law allows KGB officers to break into flats at any time of the day without permission or explanation, and without responsibility for property damage or injury, up to and including death. etc. What next....


It doesn't matter if the market wants it or not! It does not matter whether you buy from him simultaneously or multidirectionally. It does not matter how big his position is!


A speculator is as much a market participant as the central bank. everyone trades at the same prices on the same floor.

If you send such an amount of one currency to the market (by one order, for example, selling the Eurobucks), you sell at Bid. And you shovel all Bids down, because someone has to sell you the very 1 bn, i.e. Asks stay where they are and Bids drop. When you buy 1 billion. market participants who sold you the euro will start to put buy orders just above the current bid, so the slider starts to fill with orders up on Bids. The spread is narrowing. In this case, the market is thin enough. In this case, it turns out that with 0.1 lot you can move the market by 10 or even 100 pips.