What is this all about?! - page 7


Millions of people just sell on the rise and get their money's worth. And why?

Because the price is not going down, it is going up even more. That's the way it is, Shurka.


Millions of people do nothing but sell on growth and get their money's worth. And why?

Because it doesn't make the price go down, it makes it go up even more. That's the way it is, Shurka.

Maybe because there are more buyers than sellers?

No, it's still not working for him.... He's trying, but it's too complicated! It needs to be even simpler... He needs to get some examples, he won't understand it that easy. Maybe through comic books? Or through porn?


Maybe because there are more buyers than sellers?

No, it's still not working for him.... He's trying, but it's too complicated! It needs to be even simpler... He needs to get some examples, he won't understand it that easy. Maybe through comic books? Or through porn?

No, there are more sellers. The money flows from the majority to the minority.

It's a market, not a pension fund. It's the law around here, you know.


No, there are more sellers. Money flows from the majority to the minority.

It's a market, not a pension fund. It's the law around here, you know.

Millions are being sold, and the market is growing because the money is flowing? Well done!


Millions sell and the market goes up because the money flows in? Well done!

The market is not growing because the money is flowing in, but because there are more sellers.

When they realise they were wrong, close their losses and buy up, that's when it will go down.

Because there are more of them again.


Maybe because there are more buyers than sellers?

No, it's still not working for him.... He's trying, but it's too complicated! It needs to be even simpler... He needs to get some examples, he won't understand it that easy. Maybe through comic books? Or through porn?

You have to understand the law of supply and demand, but you have to use it very carefully, especially in the financial markets.

The price changes according to bids to buy and sell, but they are only relevant to supply and demand through a certain prism.

The price can rise strongly on small volumes and fall imperceptibly on larger ones, with the price rising and the sellers selling and selling.


The law of supply and demand has to be understood, but it has to be used very carefully, especially in the financial markets.

The price changes according to bids and offers, but they are only relevant to supply and demand through a certain lens.

The price can go up a lot on small volumes and fall imperceptibly on larger ones, with the price going up and the sellers selling and selling.

There is no such thing - if the price rises, it means demand exceeds supply. And there is no prism there. There is no need for accuracy there - forex, for example, is a totally competitive market and the law is 100% in force there.

Bids to buy and bids to sell are, it turns out, not supply and demand..........................................................................................And what? Voltage and amperage?

asimox: I'm sorry if my questions are stupid, at least tell me which literature to read. I really want to understand this system.

What do you want to be? A philosopher or a trader?

If you are a philosopher - then you can spend your whole life understanding this system, but you will never fully understand it....)))

If you're a trader - then as they say, take the system as it is and earn on those laws that exist in it, in this system....))))


Better yet, does anyone remember a time when the eu was selling at $0.82? It was 11.5 years ago).

Today it looks like the pair is about to break that record...

It doesn't seem so - a change in price is always the result of transactions

Yes, it is a result, but the contribution of private traders to it is minimal. - Less than 2%. We are at the bottom of the food chain)