[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 528


Yep, one has closed the other not yet.
might go up in the near future. (100 pips)

It seems that the pendulum has swung towards the euro. Now, with the Americans, things will get worse, and in Europe with their debts, things will be "better".

I guess so.....
Oh,by the way,why all the interest in the euchre???? Emodette, you're holding up the buy, aren't you?
By the way, how come you kept the buy, I hope you hold on to the buy... Michael, why do you think there is interest in the eu?
and the gold is doing well. It's a shame he closed early.

please tell me. this is the lending rate????
The Fed's main discount rate is the federal funds rate. This is the interest rate at which banks place free funds held in accounts at the Fed with other banks on overnight loans. The Fed monitors the federal funds interest rate through government securities transactions. The decision to change the interest rate is made by the Financial Markets Committee, which is part of the Fed, on the basis of which commercial banks set their interest rates on loans and deposits. High rates reduce the growth rate of consumer lending and stimulate savings growth, resulting in slower economic growth. An increase in rates usually leads to an increase in capital inflows to the country and the growth of the national currency in the medium term, but if the rate increase is not based on high rates of economic growth, it can lead to stagnation of the economy and a negative impact on the currency markets in the long term. In addition to the discount rate, unconventional monetary policy measures could also be adopted at the Open Market Committee meeting. In particular, the Fed is currently conducting "twist" operations (portfolio adjustment) as part of the US economic stimulus process; previously, the Fed conducted a quantitative easing programme (buying financial assets to inject a certain amount of money into the economy). Together with the rate decision, the Federal Open Market Committee also publishes an accompanying statement. This statement provides an analysis of the current economic situation as well as an assessment of the outlook for economic growth.
Overhang and down?
I've been doing it the old-fashioned way on the Euros :)))) It's a pity I didn't have time to go on sale, or rather to buy some, but I wanted to buy some..... Well, that's OK, I jumped on the train..... So wait for the sale to be over. :)))
maybe one of the trackers is pushing the wrong buttons again? how glad I am )))))))))
Thank you, it's still not clear.