[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 520


Do you agree? Then imagine a rookie who reads this forum, and gets into a sell of 10% of the depo from 1.2693 on the real.

Shit, the same rookie could set a buy limit at 1.3018 Exactly the same way....
I'll be honest with you - I've got my whole depot open to drain, because I'm writing TS, testing it on the real and exchanging ideas here ))))

there's an alcoholics anonymous society .... we should make it a plummers anonymous society ))))
I'll be honest - I've got my whole depot open to drain, because I'm writing TS, testing on the real and exchanging ideas here ))))

But you know what you do. And here's the situation on MT5, in the euro thread, right now:

"This topic is viewed by: 243 (users: 72, guests: 171)"


Shit, the same rookie could have put the buy limit at 1.3018 Exactly the same way....

yep ) and because he's a rookie he may have put it at half deposit ))))
I'll put it this way! The one who brings constructive ideas to the thread, let him talk more! If there is more constructive talk, all who are here will be more successful! I have nothing against you Mobilich, believe me! I have long identified people whose word counts for me and it is up to everyone. It's just that you're shouting down for a few pages first - you say that Opa is telling! Then it turns out that you're digging up signals on the side from unverified sources! And you mislead everybody because you weigh everything to make decisions! I don't trade at 200 pips and you take it all back! I'm not trading at 200 pips and I'm not interested in such an approach. People here trade based on the current situation mainly in the short term.
Well yes, Salavatka is right. The forum can be disorienting..... You have to rely more on yourself....

Shit, the same rookie could have put the buy limit at 1.3018 Exactly the same ....

And what would have happened to him if I had written an hour later that I was wrong, instead of saying for a fortnight - let's go up.

And I'm not even talking about 10% of the deposit.


And what would have happened to him if I had written an hour later that I was wrong, rather than ranting for a fortnight - let's go up.

And I am not even talking about 10% of the depo.

Good for you!!!! Wrong-- Admit it. Mobile man, it won't hurt you and it certainly won't hurt your credibility. Remember,he who does nothing is never wrong....

Margaret, is this true? Mt5:

"Draghi made the statement no one expected: No Greek debt forgiveness is out of the question. Just reported on RBC. Interesting picture. Apparently that's what will explain today's (and possibly subsequent) decline."



Do you agree? Then imagine a beginner, who has read this forum, and went to the sell 10% of the deposit of 1.2693 on the real account.

stranger,that means he had another paid lesson for him....

you don't trade on other people's screens, you only look at them to see what you might have seen or missed...

it's an important lesson and it costs money...