[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 469

Watching the entry at 1.3018. They'll probably outweigh the buy....
Looking in and out at the same price, it looks like support....... is at 1.3018 so it's up but not by much... That's the funny thing, you start to see a future channel :))))))
Watching the entry at 1.3018. They'll probably outweigh the buy....

Have you ever wondered why sells don't go higher?)))
Looking in and out at the same price, it looks like support....... is at 1.3018 so it's up but not by much... That's the funny thing, you start to see a future channel :))))))

If you look at the delta for another month or so, Nostradamus and Grandpa will be nervously smoking on the sidelines
There are already 3 U.S. Navy ships on standby off the coast of Iran

I read somewhere that if mess starts with Iran the Chinese will come to the aid of the Persians...

We need to buy more pasta and more sprats


Have you ever wondered why the sells above are not removed?)))
and these are not their selves - these are people's selves (they're about to be eaten)

Who's not cleaning it up?

So far at the level of 1.3018 only -49. If we trade at this level, then it's a fairy tale, up, but so far the issue is not solved, although the volumes traded there are decent.....


I read somewhere that if mess starts with Iran the Chinese will come to the aid of the Persians...

We should buy more pasta and more sprats.

Back to the cellar with Grandma)))). American aircraft carriers on the steppes of Kazakhstan.

Have you ever wondered why sells don't go higher?)))
and where do the sells stand in the delta show the arrow on the screenshot? please (bought for the purity of the experiment!)

You look at the delta for another month and Nostradamus and Grandpa will be nervously smoking on the sidelines.

Yeah, well, don't get too crazy..... :)))) On the clock no lower than....