[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 294


I don't know what you see but this divergence is very strong I don't understand why we are not going down!!!! :/

And you want to go straight down)))

and what's your goal for the mudslides...

I honestly don't see it yet. I'll write as soon as I see it. And I'll start seeing it when we drop about 150-200 points from here. If I don't see it, it's an abyss.
Or maybe you just don't see it ))))

To be honest too, on the dives there is an up diver on Osma for a long time, on H4 there is an up signal since 10 Jan (13 Friday is a huge drawdown), but on H1 I still do not see a bullish diver.

So, should we wait until a bearish divergence is formed on H4 and then close the hour marker?

Daily - bullish divergence + morning star (rising), H4 - green bars (rising), H1 - blue bars (neutral). I am waiting)))


I'd better explain, because they may be false as well )))) The fractal pair is looked for on the chart from right to left. It is a group of candlesticks between two opposite fractals or a single candlestick with two fractals at the same time. The energy of the pair is determined by the first fractal to the right. If it is on a cold bar (blue, blue, or purple), the pair is cold. Moreover, the pair should be clean, i.e. there should be no green bars either inside it or on the fractals themselves, otherwise it is a false signal. The signals are as follows - bull zero, cold fractal pair on the right - sell, cold fractal pair, bullish zero on the right - sell at once as well. ))) Appearance of the next green bar after the previous green bar cancels this previous one. )))

I'm getting a headache, but thanks anyway.

Request for a down signal on your system, post a screenshot, I would appreciate it.


Daily - bullish divergence + morning star drawn (rising so far), H4 - green bars (rising), H1 - blue bars (neutral). I am waiting)))

You should also look at the weekly

I'm getting a headache, but thanks anyway.

Please, when you get a signal down your system, post a screenshot, I would appreciate it

There are two more signals )))) I already wrote about them - fractal on the change from red to purple bar or (vice versa) and three of the same warm or cold bar in a row ))) I don't know which signal will turn around ))))

About the euro/franc:

... If the Swiss National Bank keeps the minimum EUR/CHF threshold at 1.20, deflationary pressures will increase due to the strong franc and the recession in the eurozone. As a result, the Swiss monetary watchdogs might have to raise the threshold for the pair to 1.30 to compensate for the decline in consumer prices after all. At the same time, specialists do believe that with the departure of Hildebrand, the central bank will no longer want to raise the EUR/CHF threshold for a while. Thus, UBS expects that the SNB will maintain the EUR/CHF floor at 1.2000 for the next few months, but then the central bank will no longer be able to ignore the worsening economic data and will still have to raise the threshold


I'd better explain, because they can also be false ))) A fractal pair is looked for on the chart from right to left. It is a group of candles between two opposing fractals, or a single candle with two fractals at once. The energy of the pair is determined by the first fractal to the right. If it is on a cold bar (blue, blue, or purple), the pair is cold. Moreover, the pair should be clean, i.e. there should be no green bars either inside it or on the fractals themselves, otherwise it is a false signal. The signals are as follows - bull zero, cold fractal pair on the right - sell, cold fractal pair, bullish zero on the right - also sell, and immediately. ))) Appearance of the next green bar after the previous green bar cancels this previous one. )))

Everything is clear that nothing is clear. show the picture where these conditions worked... If you're not too lazy of course!!!!!

Daily - bullish divergence + morning star drawn (rising so far), H4 - green bars (rising), H1 - blue bars (neutral). I am waiting)))

Why did not you enter on H4?