[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 248

Just Streinger wrote earlier about my sell order at 1.2930, that if I leave it, I will get my first and the BIGEST moose. I understood he was aiming much higher than 150-200 pips upwards.

I still think so.
Just Streinger wrote earlier about my sell order at 1.2930, that if I leave it, I will get my first and the BIGEST moose. I understood he was aiming much higher upwards than 150-200ppts.
That's what I'm saying: I think if it was to fall on Monday, it would be the strongest buy signal, but if it rises immediately, just a correction of a couple hundred pips.

That's what I mean: I'm thinking only if it falls on Monday, that would be the strongest buy signal, and if it rises immediately, just a correction of a couple of hundred pts.

And it is.

I'm thinking only if it falls on Monday it will be the strongest buy signal, and if it rises immediately, just a couple hundred pips correct.
would go straight up, (does that have anything to do with the daily takeover?)

ATHENS, 14 Jan - RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovski. Greece demands low interest on new bonds after debt restructuring, the website of French newspaper Le Monde reported on Saturday.

The Institute of International Finance (IIF), an organisation uniting private creditors, announced on Friday it was suspending talks with Greece on a "voluntary" write-down of the face value of Greek debt because it could not come to an agreement. Negotiations could continue next week.

"Athens agrees to a coupon of 3% per annum. But creditors say they have had enough and demand 5%. This rate, together with the discount, leads to a total debt loss of 60%, creditors have calculated, while the other side wants a 70-80% write-off," the newspaper said, citing a source close to the banks.

"There is a limit to everything," the source said.

The EU has ordered the banks to write off 50% of Greek debt, which should ease 100 billion of the 360 billion debt Greece owes. If talks fail, Greece could default in March when Athens must repay 14 billion euros in bonds at once. Moreover, without a debt relief programme, Greece may not receive the first tranche of a new 130-billion-euro bailout package from the EU due in February.

Initially it was planned that new bonds issued with a 50 per cent haircut would have a 20-30-year maturity. An interest rate of 3% may be seen as very low for the current sovereign debt situation in the eurozone, but it would appear particularly low if compared with the rates at which Greece is being asked to borrow on the markets. In fact, the yield on a 10-year Greek bond is currently around 35% p.a. and at the latest offering of short-dated securities next week, Greece was promising to pay 4.9% p.a. over six months.

And then there are the downgrades.

because it's cheap.

Why cheap, relative to 09.01 it did not get much cheaper, and if you look at the channel without a jump on 13.01 it did not get cheaper.
will rise immediately, (does this have anything to do with the daily absorption?)
What about the latest downtrend, which is asking for about another couple of weeks to fully form, figuratively speaking?

Why is it cheap, it is not much cheaper than on 09.01 and if you look at the channel without the jump on 13.01, it is not cheaper.
In the EU there is a reserve of 500 billion euros - at any time they can intervene in the Euro, and there is a channel emerging - they may buy the whole Euro below 26 and then drive it up. This is an option to buy and see.
What about the latest downtrend, which is asking for about another couple of weeks to fully form, figuratively speaking?
grow 50-200pp.
The EU has a reserve of 500 billion euros - they can intervene in the Euro at any time, and there is a channel emerging - maybe they will buy the whole Euro below 26 and then drive it up. This is an option to buy and see.

I reckon they will go flat for a week and then the Iranian crisis will come out and it will go up because of oil and then it will go down.