[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 135

I'll stay with you, your mt5 is bullshit, guru, damn it .... all smart even crap profits )))))

Want me to teach you how to trade? ))) I like you))))

I got this.

I've had it all day... close with a loss, I'm sick of this order ....

Well, let's say I'm in profit today and not just on euR, what do I have to tell everyone about it now?
I don't mind if you do. I just promised last week that I would give one entry and I did. Everyone decides for himself how to trade and on which pair.

Do you want me to teach you how to trade? )))

yeah, teach me, but don't yell at me, I'm a dumbass with a pig's hump, chewing elephant kittycake....
I'll stay with you, your mt5 is bullshit, guru, damn it .... (All smart even crap profits))))))

Welcome back)))

yeah teach me, don't yell that I'm stupid with a pig's hump chewing elephant kittycakes....

great... no booger on your avatar... you'll see, it'll come back to normal...
I'll stay with you, your mt5 is bullshit, guru, damn it .... all smart even crap profits )))))

whats up with the nostril?

Yeah, teach me, but don't yell that I'm stupid with a pig's hump, chewing elephant kittykit ....

1. Put that turkey and fractals )))) That's what it should look like.)

irainbow.mq4  3 kb

Welcome back)))

hey ! )))) What should I do with a warrant or tovo? I'm completely dumbfounded ))))))
Well, let's say I'm in profit today and not just on euR, what do I have to tell everyone about it now?

Let people have their say, it's not forbidden