[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 134

There were times when there were no entrances for half a month.

I would have died of boredom )))

you wrote that for 6 months you've had only profitable trades, and with such big profits... so I counted your deposit for interest... and I wondered what the unlucky guy (frequenters of these sites) is doing Gunn 2
I don't know who Gunn 2 is (and neither does Gunn 1). I've almost only been reading this site for half a year now. So. It is only since this year that I have introduced a rule - a lot of 10% of the depo. Earlier the lot was 0.1 strictly always. That's why it's not that big a depo. In addition, you couldn't count my depo, if only because you don't know the frequency of my "signals". There were times when I didn't have any inputs for half a month.

I believe... well done.


Would you mind showing me the state of such a trade?


But in your memory, is there anyone who's ever shown an entry, as I did today, with such a margin of error?

It is quite possible if you don't get nervous and allow for a deposit, I never put a SL, the price will always come where it should, it depends on the timing.
In this case, it would be an overhosting tactic. In my case it's not like that. It's not like I take 10-20pp and sit out a big drawdown. I have drawdowns of 100pp at most, while my average profit is 100-300pp. I.e. I do identify the general trend. I do not always enter as accurately as I did today. Today was really lucky, I admit


But in your memory, is there anyone who has pointed an entry like I did today with such a margin of error?

it's not intuition then...
I'll stay with you, your mt5 is bullshit, guru, damn it .... all smart even crap profits ))))
I'll stay with you, your mt5 is bullshit, guru, damn it .... all smart even crap profits ))))
i even missed your posts)


But in your memory, is there anyone who has pointed an entry like I did today with such a margin of error?

Well, let's say I'm in profit today and not just on euR, what do I have to tell everyone about it now?