1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 55

What is the difference between, say, MA(1) and MA(30), apart from "smoothness"? Isn't MA(30) more "trending" than MA(1)? Or is there no difference?
So it turns out that MA doesn't make it easy to create a profitable TS at all?

Why should MA, especially one, simplify the profitability of a TS? It does not refer to a TS at all. It helps to identify the dynamics and sift out certain price frequencies, what does it have to do with TS? If you want to determine the dynamics, to sift out specific price frequencies, don't worry, it has nothing to do with ts.
What is the difference between, say, MA(1) and MA(30), apart from "smoothness"? Isn't MA(30) more "trending" than MA(1)? Or is there no difference?

It depends on the period (segment on the time axis) at which Ma30 and Ma1 are considered and compared.
depends on the period (segment on the time axis) in which ma30 and ma1 are considered and compared.
I am writing about the "general" case. That is, a large period of history.
What is the difference between, say, MA(1) and MA(30), apart from "smoothness"? Isn't MA(30) more "trending" than MA(1)? Or is there no difference?

If so, yes, it is and so what? Equity is composed of price increments, not the increments of MA from the price.

To solve any complex problem, you have to break it down into parts and solve each part separately.
- as a solution strategy.

So, we're getting into the thicket of nonsense again((. Dima, you'd better give us your thoughts on the last pictures and the method of conversion.

You can't please everyone with avatars.

For example: at 10 a.m. beans were 20 rub\kg,
at 11 a.m. - 21 rub\kg,
at 12 a.m. - 24 rub\kg,
at 1 p.m. - 20 rub\kg,
at 2 p.m. - 19 rub\kg

Every hour we buy 1 kg of beans. As a result, by 14.00 we have a basket with 5 kg of beans worth 104 RUR.
This means that each kg of beans in this basket costs 104/5= 20.8 RUB on average.

This is the value of the MA with a period of 5 hours - 20.8 RUB/kg. Whatever the price of the instrument for a given period, you can always have another price, the MA price.

This is all great, but there is a "but". By buying at the current price I know that price. I can buy at the MA price in your scenario, but it's a future MA, I don't know its price and I'm essentially buying a pig in a poke.
What the hell does Ma have to do with it, you shouldn't buy or sell with it (although you can), that's not what I'm talking about.
What the hell has Ma got to do with it, you can't buy or sell with it, but you can.

You may, but not by the current MA value, but by the unknown one.

Dima, finish your thought. What is the sense in buying (or selling, it does not matter) at an unknown price?