1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 14


Guys! This is not the topic. The top starter is thinking in terms of a group movement of currencies. He is looking for an "observable quantity". MACD and its derivatives - that's too narrow.

You may go back to the plaice and blame physiological hormones.

You're right to put in quotes - it's an observable variable, it's not constant, but it should move within a certain range.

"observable quantity" is a key concept in any study. (If you are a physicist, then you don't need to explain anything. Psychologists are familiar with it, but they call it by a different name. With mathematicians it is a little known unformalized problem)

MACD is a filter. You are already cut off from reality.


It is correct to put in inverted commas - an observable quantity, it is not pronounced - it is not constant, but it should move within a certain range. although here again you can play the role of a flounder and blame physiological hormones

So let him plot the derivative of the matzod and determine the correlation - no big deal.

So let him plot the derivative of the matzod and determine the correlation - no big deal.

Lisa, help me out, romantics get beaten)

it all started .... Moderators, it would be desirable to clean up the last two pages from conversations and other distant things.

the man asked, he did not get an answer, so why smear it on the profitability and proof, he will not prove anything anyway....


it all started .... moderators, it would be desirable to clean up the last two pages from conversations and other remoteness.

the man asked, he did not get an answer, why smear about profitability and proof, he will not prove anything anyway....

As if the CEP hints that the ultimate purpose of research on this resource - is profit. At least for this purpose. If TC does not show profit, it means it is not adequate for this market-period.

All written on the case. There is no need to rub it in.


But in the next thread the subject of boobs is being discussed and they have already started talking about soup kits...

Valera, I will tell you once again that until you understand what MACD is and how to use it in trading, its first and second derivatives have no sense. Well, not the derivative, but the difference.

I do not believe in MACD and do not even try to use it. I do not believe in it because it is too unspecific to become a profit-making tool. A stupid band-pass filter, to put it crudely. What's the point of a band-pass filter in trading... I don't understand.


I will answer, though. If it wasn't for the terrible situation in the medium term, I wouldn't be looking for anything. At the moment all my energies are focused on developing new intraday TPs. I did not have any. We are developing new ones and adapting old ones.

This year was a failure for me. Only 30% for the year. This trouble has been going on since April. We stopped trading in October. Lack of necessary volatility for the old medium-term TS.

So, I have this joy. I found a simple TS on New Year's Eve. Such a gift :-))


But in the next thread the subject of boobs is being discussed and they have already started talking about soup kits...

Valera, I will tell you once again that until you understand what MACD is and how to use it in trading, its first and second derivatives have no sense. Well, not the derivative to be precise, but the difference.

I do not believe in MACD and do not even try to use it. I do not believe in it because it is too unspecific to become a profit-making tool. A stupid band-pass filter, to put it crudely. What's the point of a band-pass filter in trading... I don't understand.

Suppose, it is easier to perceive it visually. At least for this purpose. Here is an example:


I will answer, though. If it wasn't for the terrible situation in the medium term, I wouldn't be looking for anything. At the moment all my energies are focused on developing new intraday TPs. I did not have any. We are developing new ones and adapting old ones.

This year was a failure for me. Only 30% for the year. This trouble has been going on since April. We stopped trading in October. Lack of necessary volatility for the old medium-term TS.

So, I have this joy. I found a simple TS on New Year's Eve. It's a present :-)).

Well, good luck in the new year!

By the way, maybe you should try to add dynamic calculation to your last TS? If you haven't tried it yet...