1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 9


It makes no sense to make a synopsis of Pushkin's poems or break down the paintings of the greats into their chemical components, right?

The price even in its "natural" form does not give us much information, and in its transformed form it may be good only as a colourful indicator.

I think to predict the price by an indicator is as unrealistic as to predict the direction of a man's movement by the spectral analysis of his ashes.

Oh, Vasya, Vasya.
What do you mean by no, and in restoration what?

I'm not talking about the analysis and trading with indicators, I'm talking about how to visualize the market's internal features with the help of indicator lines, and only after a visual inspection of the market does the trading start.

If you want to understand the process of something, don't you try to understand its structure, its properties, and capabilities?

No, I understand the words. I don't understand the sentences, Valera.

By the way (I did not know where to ask, I'll ask here), Alexey, how long will exist a forum of four? And that's something like there is an opinion that the forum is dying slowly, maybe it's time for me with my branches still where to move while it is possible or something like that.
I know as much about it as you do. But I think it's too early to worry.

Thanks to the moderators for their promptness. Please do not delete this post. Since people have (I do not know where they come from) the idea that I'm stealing or advertising, I explain here once and then write about it and will not discuss in a branch, I do not want to and such charges mislead readers, and cast a shadow on my thoughts, because shit...na I do not wish anybody and certainly someone something to sell (and I do not steal that), I just like everyone trying to look into.

No one forcibly call for that my words are the final authority, and I do not force anybody to bargain. (Well, if someone wants to, that will join the development of ideas)

I don't know what to do and how much effort, health, and sleepless nights I would have had to endure. I would probably never go there. i tell my friends it's better not to go there without serious intentions and to be prepared for disappointment.

I would probably never go there without serious intentions, but unfortunately I have given too much to stop, if you do not believe in something better then refuse, or you may find yourself in the same situation as I did or worse.

If you have decided to stay on the FOREX market and you share my beliefs, then you are welcome.

Look, Valery, no one's blaming you, etc. But what you're proposing... um... how shall I put it? We have long ago checked and rechecked a thousand times. Any conversion to price will result in a delayed signal or misinterpretation. I agree that a Renko or Kagi chart is an interesting way to look at the market. But the consequent transformation will not lead to anything, especially decomposition into derivatives of McDi. It will of course lead to results BUT not to those that meet the stability, reliability, profitability, etc. of the system or TS. So you are moving a bit in a limited direction. The simplest conversion with price is to average it. ALL STOP!!!! The average has the least delay. Any subsequent rpeformation with price, or average from average from average, etc. Leads only to the instability of the TS. But if you understand correctly, the parameters of stability of profit at a proper risk level are required for making profit. Another thing is to look at the market from a completely different angle. The analysis patterns, divergence, candlesticks, indicators, the same Makdi. And you try to use only one direction - that is the transformation of price. As I showed in bold. Only by looking at the market in its entirety you can make forecasts, or determine the entry points. And so.... has already tried everything. It does not work :(((( Just take Knox for example. Well, how cleverly it is derived and it does not work stably.... But if it dials, it does it perfectly smoothly... You can't argue with that:))))
Well look, Vlery, no one is reproaching you, etc. But what you propose ... um ... how to put it. We have long ago checked and rechecked a thousand times. Any conversion to price will result in a delayed signal or misinterpretation. I agree that a Renko or Kagi chart is an interesting way to look at the market. But the consequent transformation will not lead to anything, especially decomposition into derivatives of McDi. It will of course lead to results, BUT not to those that meet the stability, reliability, profitability, etc. of the system or TS. So you are moving a bit in a limited direction. The simplest conversion with price is to average it. ALL STOP!!!! The average has the least delay. Any subsequent rpeformation with price, or average from average from average, etc. Leads only to the instability of the TS. But if you understand correctly, the parameters of stability of profit at a proper risk level are required for making profit. Another thing is to look at the market from a completely different angle. The analysis patterns, divergence, candlesticks, indicators, the same Makdi. And you try to use only one direction - that is the transformation of price. As I showed in bold. Only by looking at the market in its entirety you can make forecasts, or determine the entry points. And so.... has already tried everything. It does not work :(((( Just take Knox for example. Well, how cleverly it is derived and it does not work stably.... But if it dials, it does it perfectly smoothly... You can't argue with that: ))))

1- maybe it's my mistake not to write in every my branch that all this should be applied in multicurrency analysis, so now it turns out that everyone thinks I just take one pair and try to squeeze something out of it.... - pity

2-figures, divergences, candlesticks, etc. are all special cases of the same process, besides these special cases have been irregularly removed from the general context

3-It is clear that the market should be analyzed as a whole.

4-+ I need analysis of tick volumes (converted tick volumes), ideally an analysis of ticks.

If you want to know the difference between the two, then let's analyze tick volumes (transformed tick volumes), ideally we need ticks analysis (Shiiv's volatility branch). 5 - McDi . i need to understand how McDi changes and how this process happens together, how oscillator lines extrapolate. and Kagi will be a kind of filter, that divides the price in equal cycles (and not the usual irregular jumps), then the multicurrency analysis will go further.

If you're interested, read my branches, there are many interesting links to interesting things (like market timing on a spider and all that stuff). Just put it all in one thread, it would get so messy, that I myself would get completely confused, not to mention the people reading it.


Любое преобразование с ценой приводит к задержки сигнала или неправильности интерпритации.

Does this claim have any proof?

By the way, I was wondering why you have 18 pairs per currency (I mean, how critical is the number of pairs per currency) and how much worse is it when you reduce the number of pairs?
Does this statement have any proof?

Yes. Here, for example (the first thing I remembered)... http://www.seykota.com/tribe/tsp/EA/Exponential/index.htm


1- maybe it's my mistake not to write in every my branch that all this should be applied in multicurrency analysis, so now it turns out that everyone thinks I just take one pair and try to squeeze something out of it.... - pity

2-figures, divergences, candlesticks, etc. are all special cases of the same process, besides these special cases have been irregularly removed from the general context

3- Once again, I do understand that you should analyze the market as a whole.

4-+ I need analysis of tick volumes (converted tick volumes), ideally an analysis of ticks.

If you want to know the difference between the two, then let's analyze tick volumes (transformed tick volumes), ideally we need ticks analysis (Shiiv's volatility branch). 5 - McDi . i need to understand how McDi changes and how this process happens together, how oscillator lines extrapolate. and Kagi will be a kind of filter, that divides the price in equal cycles (and not the usual irregular jumps), then the multicurrency analysis will go further.

If you're interested, read my branches, there are many interesting links to interesting things (like market timing on a spider and stuff like that).

here's a simple way to break down any indy into equal movements