1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 7


Has anyone tried looking for macdi derivatives-which are based on renko, kagi or ranged bar charts? (how to extrapolate such macdies)

it would be interesting to build a makdi where the higher harmonic (sine wave-one complete cycle) consists of 2 lower harmonics (2 small cycles), and the higher chicle does not end until the 2 lower cycles have passed

What do you want to get out of it?
The more derivatives - the more distortion and the greater the delay.

What do you want to get as a result?

something like decomposition into digital harmonics (don't mind the name). something in between macdi and digital filters, dividing the market into cycles with a further increase in sampling rate by a factor of 2, but the cycle is not only in points but also in time, the older hormone will not complete its cycle until it is completed by 2 cycles smaller by a factor of 2 (of which the larger cycle is composed)

If you do not know how to use hormonics, we can use it as a reference for the simulation.

I understand that there are already digital filters for this, but this is easier for me to understand.


Something in between macdies and digital filters, dividing the market into cycles with a further increase in sampling rate by a factor of 2, only the cycle is not only in points but also in time, the older hormone will not complete its cycle until it is completed by a factor of 2 cycles (of which the larger cycle is composed).

The cagi graph is digitised beforehand, and then we try to extrapolate the cagi from there.

Yes, I understand that there are already digital filters for this, but it's easier for me to understand.

Valera, I'm already beginning to understand the local slang :-))

I`ve met this word in your posts several times. Thought you were mistaken, but you write so insistently about hormones. And I get it!!! It's market hormones!!! Now it remains to be seen, who is giving these hormones to the market? Who is feeding the market these mysterious hormones? Did I get that right?

You could even draw an analogy with women's monthly cycles. They too are somewhat dependent on hormones. Some even chart rectal temperature! Now you have a new subject to explore.

But I have to disappoint you. No one's ever been able to extrapolate from hormones.

trol222: something like decomposition into digital harmonics (don't mind the name). something in between macdi and digital filters, dividing the market into cycles with a further increase in sampling rate by a factor of 2, only the cycle is not only in points but also in time, the older hormone will not complete its cycle until it completes 2 cycles smaller by a factor of 2 (of which the larger cycle is composed)
Valera, and you're still surprised no one understands you?!

Valera, I'm beginning to understand the local slang :-))

I've seen this word several times in your posts. Thought you were mistaken, but you write so insistently about hormones. And I get it!!! It's market hormones!!! Now it remains to be seen, who is giving these hormones to the market? Who is feeding the market these mysterious hormones? Did I get that right?

We can even draw an analogy with women's monthly cycles. They too are somewhat dependent on hormones. Some even chart rectal temperature! Now you have a new subject to explore.

But I have to disappoint you. No one has yet been able to extrapolate hormones.

If you can't extrapolate hormones, -- we'll inject them!!!


OK, let's say you did what you set out to do. And you have succeeded in decomposing everything you wanted to decompose. What's next? What's your end goal?
nikelodeon: What's next? What's your end goal?

Figure it all out by breaking the brains of half the members of the forum beforehand.

Valera, no offence, OK?


Figure it all out by breaking the brains of half the members of the forum beforehand.

Valera, no offence, OK?

no offence))))) why all cling to the words, my keyboard is inconvenient, merges Russian and English letters (look drag when I type)))) and I have not put a program to correct errors. the meaning of words with errors is clear, no start pedantic picking.(.
No, I understand the words. I don't understand the sentences, Valera.