[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 260

Beyond the Arctic Circle

Do not touch the dragon ... he is on the boat for 50 grand, he is chipping away at the right and left ... he is not a snake but a dragon ))) when he gets loaded on the boat, he will take out all the iron doors and go straight to Uncle Kolya's house ))
Strenger head yeahaaa

ISU, classic.

HYP, classic.
on the M5? at the bottom of the trend?
When I was out there, I tried to buy a few bucks, but I couldn't find the money, so I decided to buy it on the street... One day he would buy it, and then he would take it out with the iron doors.)

What's that Uncle Kolya? - Seles are closed, I opened a 75 with a 1.301, we'll probably go to 29
Murmansk ?

Cold. Tyumen province.

Who's Uncle Kolya?

An evil man, he comes as suddenly as the Terminator.
on the M5? at the bottom of the trend?

What's up Uncle Kolya? -I've closed the sellers at 1.301 with the target at 75 and we'll see if we drop to 29
I'm still in position ... first I'll cover the Canadian sale .... and then I'll let you in with the Euro.
and when it leaves, it leaves 00000000 on the deposit

It happens and minus)))