[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 180

That's where I think we should start and kick their asses

Better yet, let's take over wallstreet.

there's a cnbc show called "already taking over wallstreet." :)

No need for Prokhor to be petty. :)

I don't want to start an argument, but to make a long story short: no one wants to work in Russia. They want a lot of money, but preferably without doing anything.

What kind of arguments are we talking about here?))
Why is GBPUSD at odds with EURUSD?
Because the eurodollar is now oriented towards the euro yen....
What a bastard, eh? It keeps going down and down...

Huh... closed the gap the weekend before last.


how much money could have been made on the sale!!!
b... b... b... b... b... b... b... b...
You shouldn't have made such a big deal out of Prokhor. He's our capitalist man. That's how Mercury punished you. :)
he must have read me
Mercury, God of commerce, he sees everything. :)
he must have read me all the final touches and deposited the dough with me ))))))))
Mercury, God of commerce, he sees everything. :)

Yeah, right... I defended Prokhorov, so what? The schedule is the same as everyone else's.
