[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 11

It's December - the Americans are having a rest, now the dirty games will start: you can open without stops to either side, I do not pay much attention to the figures, except this week's flag is such a great head and shoulders, and the flag is like a test, but will it work in December)))

Merkel is due to speak today. In 'recent' history this has never gone down well for the euro. However...


and the husband is who...and how long is the market ? I agree about 3-5 years...so do the euro's prospects...

He has been in the market for a long time, even when the euro was not there, he probably knows what he is talking about. For me, let the eu live and prosper, I got used to the euro-dollar pair.
The EUR at 1.35 has decent option levels for both puts and stakes, with more open interest in puts. December 8 seems to be the last expiry this year, so there could be a fight for this level, I think they will try to get the eu above 1.35 once again at least for the expiry date

He has been in the market for a long time, back when the euro was not around, he probably knows what he is talking about. For me, let the eu live and prosper, used to the euro-dollar pair .

Yes... everyone is used to it...

people are told to go upstairs!

and they don't believe it, the bastards...


people are told to go upstairs!

and they don't believe it, the bastards...

I do! That's why I sold it :)))
The EUR at 1.35 has decent option levels for both puts and stakes, with more open interest in puts. December 8 seems to be the last expiry this year, so it could be a struggle for this level and I think they will try to raise the eu above 1.35 at least for the expiry date

...what are the levels around 3330....?

... what are the levels around 3330....???
Volumes, but less than at the current price level or 1.3520. There doesn't seem to be anything meaningful there on the December options.

Ahhhh... :) Listening to RBC, a certain Dimura, a frequent contributor, is soaking it up:

- The euro will collapse, there will be a deutsch mark and lots of paper.

- By the end of January the euro will collapse. And you can sell it for at least 1.5 years.

This dude is 100%, not even thinking at all, not even once, how to do it at least purely mechanically. :)

What is the exit mechanism in general? Who will pay for it?

And it seems that sometimes this Dimura has sensible views, like about inflation about unemployment.

But here the guy just killed himself, what they call it. Look at these people. :)

Oh, yeah... and he's got a problem with time, he says it's gonna collapse but I can't say when. :)

Oh, man. :)