[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 204


I can't find where to register it now, or should I delete it and register it again?
You need to register again) http://www.onix-trade.net/?act=help_how_add_account&lang=ru

Thank you!

Thank you!

Are you already signed up?
Are you registered there yet?

Yeah, today they're telling us to wait five hours first!

Yes, today they say here 5 hours to wait first wait!
Strangely, it took me about 30 seconds) and where it says please wait, it should be quick, but did they write the IP address here?

New serverSet server IP
Everyone's asleep)
I take a contrast shower for my brain, alternating between page-by-page reading of villagers and econometrics

Well said! )))

"Villagers phenomenon" as a materialisation of the collective unconscious or forex mythologeme. It's a theme.

It's been a tough day today

Сегодня был тяжелый день

And it's not over yet: -504 (roubles?) paper loss.

Konstantin, don't look at the balance, look at equity.