[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 537


That's what I told you before:

1) Starting point. But any start involves further movement.

2) Do not be arrogant. I.e. be medium-long term. And don't be pipsing. Then yes, you will live. But the problem will be to find the long-term advantage in forex. Fundamentals will be more important here.

And about expensive tickets, there is a broker thinkorswim with excellent support, with the best option terminal (it's one of the best in the industry) and with an initial deposit of $3500. I gave you the table for a reason. Things are not that bad right now. Especially for futures.

And on your futures, don't you need a "long-term advantage". And where is it today, when the market goes from fire to fire every day?

Come on, now that you have uploaded the table, teach us how the big guys make money and then laugh at Forex.)

PS: Okay, peasants! So all together we go to the fund)) Finally, "learn to trade"))


And on your futures, don't you need a "long term advantage". And where is it today, when the market goes from fire to fire every day?

Come on, now that you have uploaded the spreadsheet, teach us how the big guys make money and then laugh at forex.)

PS: Okay, peasants! Finally, "let's learn how to trade")).

I don't trade futures. I've written five times already that I trade options. But you shouldn't have adopted the touchy-feely boy tone. That's not very constructive. I've already written a lot of things for you to try and find a system on. Gaps, dividends and quarterly reports are live and working things. But you want on the level of "tell me when and which button to press - I'll press it". That's not going to happen.
I do not trade futures. I've written five times already that I trade options. But you shouldn't have adopted the touchy-feely boy tone. That's not very constructive. I've already written a lot of things for you to try and find a system on. Gaps, dividends and quarterly reports are live and working things. But you want on the level of "tell me when and which button to press - I'll press it". That's not going to happen.
I once looked at options, or rather a semblance of them, but the principle is the same. As far as I understood, there are a lot of pitfalls. And if everything were so reliable, there wouldn't be so many people crowding in here.

Charts are charts (without a system)

Open an account with someone who has money not for ... You can open an account through a bank where all documents are sealed... or with a fund who has more money...

no one is immune to scams, some places are just more reliable and others are quite bad

I looked at options once, or rather a similar version of them, but the principle is the same. As far as I understood, there are a lot of pitfalls there. And if it were that reliable, there wouldn't be so many people here.
Shit, there's a lot of pitfalls everywhere. You and I write to each other in Russian, but it's like we're speaking different languages. Well, I hope you get the message. You're getting the hang of it, aren't you? Unlike the other villagers. Enough scribbling for today.
My son started out trading forex, but then switched to stocks, saying that there was better predictability. He has retired from his business and is feeding off the stock market.
My son started out trading forex, but then switched to stocks, saying that there was better predictability. He has retired from his business and is feeding off the stock market.
Why don't you follow his example?
Why don't you follow his example?
I prefer Forex, and it's too late for me to retrain. Besides, money is not an issue for me.
You didn't doit, did you villagers?