[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 124

strangerr 27.11.2011 16:1155% OF DEPOSITS IN UKRAINE BANKS IN VALUE...

not my picture...but EVERYTHING is visible

So what's there to see )))) draw a couple of chunks or something ... expected price movement ...
strangerr 27.11.2011 16:1155% OF DEPOSITS IN UKRAINE BANKS IN CURRENCY...

How did they give these deposits to people in 2008? With a fight. My friend took almost six months to collect three thousand dollars from Privatbank. They do not care about the money in banks, they can do anything with it.
IMF prepares an emergency credit line for Italy of 400-600bn: I'm fixing positions, not waiting for the dock
Italy-France auctions from 28.11 to 2.12; US dollar auction on 2 December, my bidding plan should work

...right now I can tell you that the price should visit an overbought zone (the price behind the green rectangle) .... targets will be defined at the opening of the trading day...
Italy-France auctions from 28.11 to 2.12; US dollar auction on 2 December, my bidding plan should work
The dollar auction will be on 7 December according to the ECB website.
The dollar auction will take place on 7 December, according to the ECB website.

So my arrow is drawn correctly

So my arrow is drawn correctly

Of course it is and there's no alternative )))) Should we change the colour to green?