[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 117


I may not have been able to explain it in detail, but this is new. It's not about "ass", it's about foundation. It's that there's no way out. :)

That's the point. :)


I may not have been able to explain it in detail, but this is new. It's not about "ass", it's about foundation. It's that there's no way out. :)

That's the point. :)

+1..... And life goes on !!!!!!!!!

I may not have been able to explain it in detail, but this is new. It's not about "ass", it's about foundation. It's that there's no way out. :)

That's the point. :)

There is a way out ... work and live within your means ... eternal freebies do not work ... (for the euro) ...

The states and their losses... I agree in principle... But the question is where to deposit the outstanding amount... the sums are pretty big and no one wants to get rid of them... And the public interest is by and large sidelined when it comes to money (banks in other countries)...


I may not have been able to explain it in detail, but this is new. It's not about "ass", it's about foundation. It's that there's no way out. :)

That's the point. :)





There is a way out... work and live within your means... perpetual freebies won't work...(for the euro)...

but the question is where to put the quid masses...

Yes but it's quite a painful process right now. Much more painful going down than just standing still.

The masses of quid are already gone.

China already has those masses.

The U.S. can ( IMHO no ) make a strong movement and send everyone away. They have an IDEOLOGY. It is akin to religion. This is the hardest part.

And China will support them - quietly put the brakes on the downward trend.... Really not knowing where that DOWN is. :) But this is a prediction for the next 20 years.





Even if you get eaten, there are still two ways out ))) I love folk wisdom..... all the rest is chatter )))

There is a way out... work and live within your means... perpetual freebies will not work...(for the euro)...

The states and their losses - in principle, I agree... but the question is where to spend the dollar... the sums are pretty big and no one wants to get rid of them... The public interest is by and large sidelined when it comes to money (banks in other countries)...

To do this we need to change the world economic system, who will or who can do it?

Yes but it's quite a painful process right now. It's much more painful going down than just standing there.

The mass of quid is already gone.

China already has those masses.

The U.S. can ( IMHO no ) make a strong movement and send them all. They have an IDEOLOGY. It is akin to religion. This is the hardest part.

And China will support them - quietly put the brakes on the downward trend.... Really not knowing where that DOWN is. :) But this is a prediction for the next 20 years.

The data on gross reserves... Unfortunately I failed to find the data on bulk bonds which the US just donated or lent at low interest rates and also bought deposits, etc. in third countries (I think I deleted them)...


It is important to consider not just the savings in the country's bank accounts. It is who owns those savings.

It is the same as China buying US securities with its dollar earnings. There seems to be no withdrawal of money and the money is even in the economy. But who owns the money. Who can dispose of it within the market. Who can borrow against it... and so on.


To do this you have to change the world economic system, who will do it or who can?

You have to work... the Germans work and live a good life... the Greeks are drinking and drinking... so they got into trouble... the math is simple... but government financiers must be adequate and think about the country, not just their pockets.......

that's what the states have been taking advantage of all their lives... the country sucks - here you go - give the guys the quid at a low interest rate or for free....the guys took it and got screwed for a long time...))