Free lectures from Stanford University - page 5


If you have a good command of English and a desire to improve your skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

AI --

IO --

AI lectures include data mining if anything. Really don't know at what level. MO is more into neural networks

Signed up for the MOE, the basic course.

I'm on both for certification, so I can basically help or explain things I don't understand.

Although there's basic regression and gradient descent now, it hasn't gotten to the tasty stuff yet.


I'm on both for certification, so I can basically help or explain things I don't understand.

Although there's basic regression and gradient descent now, it hasn't gotten to the tasty stuff yet.

Great. Thanks, if there's anything cerebral, I'll ask you. I'm still smoking the introductory lectures. All the assignments are 100% on the first try, well that's understandable.
All the assignments are 100% on the first try, well, that's understandable.
) Uh-huh. Ying gives the material in a very lucid way. But there are some tricky questions on AI, and the first DZ there is a huge brouhaha on the forum.
But there are some tricky questions on AI, and the first DZ has caused a terrible stir on the forum.
Interesting. I'll read what's out there.

I can't solve the last problem.

I want to reveal c1 as the 3rd node, but it's not even in the list of proposed nodes.(

Don't kick it... I'm not a magician - I'm just learning...)


I won't say the answer. And the drafters are again inconsistent :) .


A* has a target function = distance travelled + heuristic. Distance between cells = 1. My advice is to review the lecture on A*.


I won't say the answer. And the drafters are again inconsistent :) .


A* has a target function = distance travelled + heuristic. Distance between cells = 1. Advice - revise the lecture on A*.

They are.

In that case, the only thing left to do is to move downwards.

A related programme

How are the participants doing?

By the way, the initiative was so successful that one of the teachers of these courses -- Sebastian Thrun (AI course) -- decided to give up teaching at Stanford to teach online :)

A bunch of new courses are starting in February.