Free lectures from Stanford University - page 4

Andrei. It will pass. Don't sweat it.
Yeah, it's all gone by now. I don't trust this forum anymore, and I won't tell the story of how I drowned with my bike in my hand....
Yeah, it's all gone now. I don't trust this forum anymore, and I won't tell the story of how I drowned with my bike in my hand....

))) There you go. It's all fixed now...


Yeah, it's all gone now. I don't trust this forum anymore, and I won't tell the story of how I drowned with my bike in my hand....

I should have got to the bottom quicker, got on the bike there and pedaled quickly towards the shore.

You had to get to the bottom, get on your bike and pedal quickly towards the shore.
That's not realistic. The chest is full of air, so the body is dragged upwards. The bike is heavy, it's dragged down. That's why you're in the water - the bike is on the bottom and you're holding on to the bike with your hands and your feet are up there.
Andrei. It will pass. Don't sweat it.
I'll say more. After your own stupidity of missing a post (long posts should be written in a separate editor), the text comes out much more compact and interesting.
Apparently, with anger you write more collected, and from laziness - more concise and meaningful.
I'll say more. After a post is foolishly lost (you have to write long ones in a separate editor), the repeated text is much more compact and interesting.
Apparently, from anger you write more collected, and from laziness - more concise and meaningful.

I should put a counter in. The post only came out the third time. In the first place it will blow away all the nervous ones, and secondly the posts will be light, readable and concrete.

The truth is we won't be seeing Yusuf again.


We should put a meter in. It's only the third time you post. In the first place, all the nervous people will be blown away, and in the second, the posts will become light, readable and concrete.

Except we won't be seeing Yusuf again.

I'll tell you more. You could not just build a counter into the forum engine, but a random counter. Some people might get lucky on the third or the tenth. Can you feel the fade?
I'll tell you more. You could not just build a counter into the forum engine, but a random counter. Some people might get lucky on the third or the tenth. Can you feel the fade?

Not really.)

So, both classes are ready for the influx of students. There is still time, but you will have to work a little harder to meet the deadline for the first assignments.

If there are any questions, they can be discussed here without explicit answers. As the forum is already buzzing with questions about some of the assignments.


You can also clean up the flood... But it is optional :), since the thread originally referred to trading and programming only indirectly.


We should put a meter in. It's only the third time you post. In the first place, all the nervous people will be blown away, and in the second, the posts will become light, readable and concrete.

Except we won't be seeing Yusuf again.

If that is the wish, then - feasible, unfortunately. It has long been decided - everyone is offended at himself. I was drawn to Stanford University's lectures, still free, when I was wary and remembered the free cheese.