[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 77


bedtime... good night...

Sleep, my friend, sleep will come - everything will come in a basket...



And what, gentlemen? Did everyone see that? The momentum was there. There is a sequel. And it will.

You want to predict something? The will is yours. So is the money.

2011.10.27 03:58:42 *Eurozone summit ends, press conference to be held soon
2011.10.27 03:57:53 *Sarkozy: Reached agreement on private sector participation in Greek aid
You're right, this is the one that rules the day

And what, gentlemen? Did everyone see that? The momentum was there. There is a sequel. And it will.

You want to predict something? The will is yours. So is the money.

Predict yourself and not others.
Yes, predictions do or do not come true.
Yes, predictions do or do not come true.

I might add that your predictions will come true - if they coincide with mine.

I might add that your predictions will come true - if they coincide with mine.

In fact, nothing supernatural happened, everything is going in the ascending channel. Yesterday we clearly pushed away from its lower boundary. The upper limit for today is 1.403. Today it may slightly decrease till 1.39 after the rise.

Igor, respect to you for your accuracy and confidence.


Time for bed...good night...

Most of the press conference was held in rosy colours... Greece's budget arrears will be reduced (written off) by a factor of 2.5, not as previously planned. Ireland, Portugal and Italy were praised, Spain was offered some modernisation.

Stabilization fund to be increased to $1.5 trillion