[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 96

The eu is scrambling. Doesn't know where to go.
It's not wandering, it's confusing the tracks.
I noticed that the first third of your forecast horizon usually works well... try retraining the model more often... perhaps the sharpness will improve...
I've been noticing this for a long time and have used it in practice. Yesterday and today interesting ideas came to mind, now we are processing them. I wanted to succeed with a bigger forecast horizon (the old version had 350 candlesticks). I will tweak it by Monday and then post screenshots.

the euras has not come back.... 1.31 tomorrow

How are your purchases doing
Didn't wait for the speech yesterday and closed everything at 1.3750.
Still alive?

Of course.

the euras has not come back.... 1.31 tomorrow

hz.... maybe even 1.36

I can see this Wolf

dhc.... maybe 1.36
that's what i write so as not to jinx it :)))

the head is already being drawn at one o'clock


the euras has not come back.... 1.31 tomorrow

Dragon on the Canadian, it waited, in early August it was still talked about, on the euro the Friday before last the scenario was already drawn up to the middle passed