[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 93


from "b" down the price broke through the lilac trendline, made a retest, if it breaks through the 1.35 level, we can hope for further developments according to the scenario on the screenshot.

It does not break through, let's go back to the previous page. )))


Stuck at a strong level, consolidation likely. Probably go up tomorrow - the big guys will be taking profits for the week.


I'll stick to my thoughts...

Still alive?
Still alive?

and you're on the fence?

it's not certain that it won't go down...


and you're on the fence?

Forced LOCK

Forced to LOCK
The dragon according to the Canadian, and I didn't believe it. (1,045)

Who is redundant in the eurozone?

And needless to say, Europeans were not warned... 10 years before the euro was introduced, critics and many economists argued that one currency would not fit all or even most EU countries.
And the current crisis is only proof that the critics were right. And now it is up to strong monetary union states to put an end to this failed experiment....


* Goldman Sach, Sutherland: Greece poses a major threat to the future of the eurozone because of the risk of debt contagion


S&P and Moody's are rampant:

S&P's downgrade of Italy has only inflamed its analysts, who have actively sought to reassess the credit ratings of Italian banks, which has led to further downgrades. Among the victims of the agency were Mediobanca, Intesa Sanpaolo, Findomestic Banca, Banca IMI, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Banca Infrastrutture Innovazione e Sviluppo and Cassa di Risparmio. In addition, S&P placed eight other banks, including UniCredit, under review for possible downgrade.

As for their colleagues from Moody's, they took on the USA. Yesterday the agency downgraded ratings of Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup, explaining its decision by reluctance of American government to provide financial assistance to troubled large banks.


* European industrial orders unexpectedly marked a downturn


Alpari is fucked up, they do what they want, don't mess with them!!!!!!!!!!!!