[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 61


will go...
You turned out to be right ;)
You were right ;)

1.367-8 may still drop to 1.367-8...I'll probably buy there


1.367-8 may still drop to 1.367-8...I'll probably buy there

I think we can buy with a target of 30-50 pts from the opening of the day....(intraday pips)...

1.367-8 may still drop to 1.367-8...I'll probably buy there

Right. Bad news on the euro,
the dollar is quiet, they stopped even talking about easing.
to the north

My thoughts, possible!!! movements before the New Year

Gentlemen, share your thoughts on the Eurobucks for the current one, does anyone have any down, pips 100-130?

My thoughts, possible!!! movements before the New Year

Seems a bit far to the north. Even Goldman lowered the forecast to 1.40 or 1.45. (was reported yesterday somewhere).
Gentlemen, share your thoughts on the Eurobucks for the current one, does anyone have any down, pips 100-130?

Either up (main scenario) or flat... nothing else is in sight... but bulls don't seem to be in a hurry ))))...


My thoughts, possible!!! movements before the New Year

globally only 1.2 is visible ... and for a long time already))) ( since that year)...))

seriously, as if euro1 and euro2 had not appeared at all, which would be very logical for the eu...

People in successful countries are not ironclad and tolerate (pull) the laggards till the time comes... imho...

Hi all, who can tell me the unit of measurement and how natural gas is measured on the charts?
If oil is measured in barrels how is gas sold in cubic meters?