[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 35

There's a lot of red news today... it's going to push the market...

and Bernanke's speech at 9 p.m. Moscow time...

As an acquaintance used to say: it is either this or one of the two.

If you look at seasonal charts over 39 years, September has been a strong month for EUR growth

I have to say that this graph was built before the switch to EUR according to the data from the German mark.

The Dollar Index has been the same over the last 36 years.

In September, a strong recession.


(MST time)


and at 21.00 Moscow time Bernanke is also speaking...
...Stage 3 of quantitative easing is pending...that's why the eu is wobbling...but that will become clear in the 20th...

Possible scenario...


Does anyone here know what Trishka and Benya are planning to do today...? Given that Trishka is about to retire and the market is set to go up on EURUSD )))) I don't think anything drastic will happen in Europe before he retires...

By the way, the rate has been left unchanged... Waiting for Trichet's speech.
2011.09.08 14:34:16 *ECB President Trichet: Inflation remains high, likely to remain above 2%
2011.09.08 14:34:56 *Trichet: Inflation likely to fall next year
2011.09.08 14:35:43 *Trichet: Monetary liquidity still in excess
2011.09.08 14:36:17 *Trichet: Economic growth slowed in Q2
22011.0908 14:36:34 *Trische: Uncertainty is particularly high
2011.09.08 14:37:24 *Trische: Short-term interest rates are low

2011.09.08 14:37:51 *Trische: Some financial conditions have tightened
2011.09.08 14:38:48 *Trische: Inflation expectations should remain firmly contained
2011.09.08 14:39:17 *Trische: We will continue to monitor developments very closely
2011.09.08 14:40:2408 14:40:24 *Trische: Providing liquidity ensures that banks are not constrained
2011.09.08 14:40:54 *Trische: All non-standard measures are temporary in nature
2011.09.08 14:42:31 *Trische: A number of developments weaken economic growth in the euro area
2011.09.08 14:43:11 *Trische sees adverse impact from some euro area countries
2011.09.08 14:43:5408 14:43:54 *Trische: Real GDP is expected to grow only slightly in the second half of the year
2011.09.08 14:45:31 *Trische: The balance of risks to the economic outlook has shifted downwards
2011.09.08 14:45:51 *Trische: The risks are linked to further increases in energy prices
2011.09.08 14:47:03 *Trische: Consumer price inflation will probably clearly be above 2% in the coming months
2011.09.08 14:50:48 *Trische: Money supply and credit growth trends have generally stabilised
2011.09.08 14:51:37 *Trische: Banks should benefit from government measures
2011.09.08 14:52:28 *Trische expects eurozone economy to grow at moderate pace
2011.09.0808 14:52:53 *Trische: It is important that monetary policy focuses on the mandate
2011.09.08 14:54:40 *Trische: Budget consolidation and reforms must go hand in hand
2011.09.08 14:55:11 *Trische: Government must implement reforms quickly
2011.09.08 14:56:31 *Trische: Labour market reforms are key to austerity
201109.08 14:57:17 *Trische: The rate decision at today's meeting was unanimous
2011.09.08 14:57:48 *Trische sees downside risks to economic growth at the moment
2011.09.08 14:58:26 *Trische believes that risks to inflation are balanced at the moment
201109.09.08 14:58:52 *Trische: We are ready to provide liquidity
2011.09.08 14:59:55 *Trische: Liquidity is not a problem for the banking sector in general
2011.09.08 15:01:47 *Trische: We believe the policy course is soft
2011.09.08 15:02:11 *Trische: Tightening financial conditions were also seen

my prediction worked out today can be closed