Boomerang - page 12


So this is the final nail in the coffin. The beginning of the series on page 10, the end on page 11.

It's the only way to test turkeys. If he screws up like that, he's screwed. That is the end.

Don't be so categorical, because you can't judge a system by one transaction... :-)))

The Expert Advisor for this indicator has been placed in the open access. You may see much better animation there. :-)))

See "Sultonov Indicator".


Yusuf, why aren't you saying anything? Or do you have nothing to say?

Or maybe you are already writing version 4? :-)


Yusuf, why aren't you saying anything? Or do you have nothing to say?

Or maybe you are already writing version 4? :-)

I'll answer all your questions soon, I'm in the middle of filming a promotional video on the subject of the branch in the consumer goods and services market. An initiative group has formed, convincing me of the possibility of introducing this development of mine under the Boomerang brand. Basically, you and I will analyze your screenshots without hurry and probably we will find the answer, why the indicator behaved so, maybe I do not understand it as it should be. You are also looking for different interpretations of its signals and for the time being take note of them only, and when we learn to curb it and understand it, we will act. Other indicators, I'm sure, have not been created overnight either, but over a long period of time, and this one is only half a year old. Please, be a little more lenient towards it and perhaps it will reward us for our diligence. After all, the principle is completely new and unexplored. I have no experience in practical trading and only acquire it, so your, and other experienced traders, the presence is very welcome. I strongly hope for Roman.
I am currently in the middle of filming a commercial for the branch's theme in the consumer goods and services market during the day.

That's strong! :-))))))))))))))))
I will answer all your questions soon. In principle, you and I will analyse your screenshots without rushing and maybe we will find an answer as to why the indicator has behaved this way, maybe I don't understand it as I should.
Looking forward to it...

Yusuf, what is your project: something like - shops (outlets) by region, a lottery with the possibility of refunding the buyer for products or something else, in case he wins???

P.S. Recently (about half a year (maybe a little more) ago) this topic you raised here.

Launched on September 1, the first draw (we call it a summing up, because it is not a game, but a social project with the aim of helping the population by the entrepreneurs), connected so far 50 outlets, both large and small, covered almost the entire spectrum of goods from bread, vegetables,...., ending with refrigerators, furniture,..... One outlet is added daily, on average. There are many individuals who have returned the money spent on the purchase of goods from 10 to 100%. Spending about 1K c.u. on advertising every month. The bottom line is that, buying goods in the points with the sign "Boomerang", paying the market price, you fix the amount of the purchase in the special magazine under the full, nine-digit number of his phone from all points. Once a month, a drawing takes place in which the last four digits of your phone number are drawn. If the last digit is the same as the result of one of the 10 digits on the lotto, you win 10% of the value of your purchases from all outlets, 2 - 25, 3-50 within a month and 4 - 100% within one year. The result of the draw on October 5:





Now I would also like to introduce a prize from me: if the participant will win the 4th round of the drawing and will have a total purchase sum of more than 200 c.u., I promise to give him a Mercedes Mercedes Secchi car. I do not think I will fail. Where will the money come from, you may ask. Every businessman remits 5% of his total turnover to me, according to the contract.


Launched on 1 September, the first raffle took place (we call it a debriefing because it is not a game but a social project with the aim of helping the population by the entrepreneurs), so far 50 outlets, both large and small, have joined, covering almost the entire range of goods from bread, vegetables,...., to refrigerators, furniture,.... One outlet is added daily, on average. There are many individuals who have returned the money spent on the purchase of goods from 10 to 100%. Spending about 1K c.u. on advertising every month. The bottom line is that, buying goods in the points with the sign "Boomerang", paying for it at market price, fix the amount of the purchase in the special magazine under the full, nine-digit number of his phone from all points. Once a month, a drawing takes place in which the last four digits of your phone number are drawn. If the last digit is the same as the result of one of the 10 digits on the lotto, you win 10% of the value of your purchases from all outlets, 2 - 25, 3-50 within a month and 4 - 100% within one year. The result of the raffle on October 5:





Now I would also like to introduce a prize from me: if the participant will win the 4th round of the drawing and will have a total purchase sum of more than 200 c.u., I promise to give him a Mercedes Mercedes Secchi car. I do not think I will fail. Where will the money come from, you may ask. Every businessman remits 5% of his total turnover to me, according to the agreement.

1. If you earn, with nothing a million for a year, why then also forex, you can just continue what you have started? If not eaten up by Grupon.

2. the idea is really worthwhile, but in a slightly different interpretation. If you enter into contracts with "prenegamators" that include the point highlighted in red above, you can forget about promotions, prizes and giveaways, just open another company and chase the money between them from morning to night, trying to increase the total turnover of the "boomerang" to an infinite maximum (the name in this case is chosen perfectly))))

3. In a month, bankrupt "businessmen", including the organizers of Forex, with sorrow in their hearts and tears in their eyes, give their business to "Boomerang", for debts, and it becomes a large-scale versatile corporation, with diversified sources of income.

4. If..., if..., if..., if... ))))

Good luck.


Yusuf, it's too late now, there are so many discount services online.
Why should entrepreneurs who join the network go bankrupt? They benefit by increasing their overall turnover. So far no one has found any disadvantages from the implementation of this project. Another thing is that it is difficult to reach out to citizens, they do not believe and are looking for a possible catch. Not all of this 5% is mine, hence all the prizes in the form of refunds and organisational costs. If I am left with 0.1%, I will be satisfied.