[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 74

Is the Canadian ending its fall or is the franc ending its rise?

The franc - finished its rise and the canadian - itself...

USD index. 5.08.


Three variants of development, I think each of them has the right to live. Choose any one, and most importantly by Yusuf indicator, you can see possible variant, as Margaret says and up to 1,26. This is the last screen with my predictive indicators... :0)). Gone to rest. I vote for the white option


on the eu "pineapple" so a reversal at 1.2880 well there inertia - quite possible up to 1.28 - 1.2750.

By the way, what are the tickers with the prefix "_" (underscore), sorry for being silly? "_DXY", "_Z", etc.

Couldn't find anything about them on the Al*pari website in my time, Google was delicately silent too.

Don't let me be a fool! :)


on the eu "pineapple" so the reversal at 1.2880 there is an inertia - it is possible to reach 1.28 - 1.2750.
to be honest the long term shows me 1.05 +- and the forecast has not been cancelled yet...so who knows....

Actually, if 1.38 will be broken through and will obviously tend to further decrease, it is quite probable....though, I still, since May, I think I agree with one wavemaker, which chart I posted in May and in June... Here, for the third time:

will you cover the buy then? if it breaks...

So, is everyone off to a low start already?


Yeah... It's a strong level... Can't break it.
Swetten: By the way, what are the tickers with the prefix "_" (underscore), sorry for being silly? "_DXY", "_Z" etc.
At Alpari it's called modestly "indicatives". Sounds like indices and futures.
Yeah, something like that. _DXY is some kind of dollar index, but it kind of comes with a 30-minute delay, whatever. On their website, more than half of the explanatory links are broken, both in Russian and in non-Russian.

on the eu "pineapple" so a reversal at 1.2880 is possible up to 1.28 - 1.2750.
what is such an interesting figure pineapple?