[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 41


You should already be sitting in a carriage, not picking up bags))))
North or Sochi?
North or Sochi?

I'm personally stocked up on warm ones. I hope it gets "hot".

let's go...

North or Sochi?

Even on the five-minute chart you can see where the dough is pouring in, on higher timeframes (H4, D) the picture is the same.

And it will be hot today for many, I don't know just who will start, Europe or the states.


Zhenya, you were right about the ceiling yesterday, but you're the oldest saxaul (or aksakal) here)))

Guys, I'm the only one who can't push up, are you asleep?))

We don't need to go up yet)))

Zhenya, you were right about the ceiling yesterday, but you're the oldest saxaul (or aksakal) here)))

Guys, I alone can not push up, sleep?)))

Hi. Already pushed, sales closed, purchases added - now waiting... :0)


Zhenya, you were right about the ceiling yesterday, but you're the oldest saxaul (or aksakal) here)))

Guys, I'm the only one who can't push up, are you asleep?))

we're pulling down ))))

Hi. Already pushed, sales closed, purchases added - now waiting... :0)


Hi. It's easier now)))

To rigc: no use)))

The reaction was totally normal, nothing else was expected ....

Margaret, while Stranger is tarrying on the peron, do you think the head-to-shoulders test went well?

The Eurodollar is clear - all the cream from Obama's speech in pon, I didn't even enter the market yesterday on this pair. The pattern here worked 100%: "Buy with rumour and sell with fact" so there was not much of a surge but... On the 4-th of the Eurozone meeting, I think they will want to take the Euro down to get something to go up afterwards.

I, personally, am sitting pretty on the chiff so far ))))

Margaret, good afternoon. What do you make of this news: 1 .The international rating agency Moody's Investors Service has affirmed its AAA rating on US government bonds, but revised its outlook to negative. This is stated in a press release from the agency.

2.Also it became known that the Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating downgraded the US rating from A+ to A. This agency is little known outside the PRC, but expects to compete with established agencies such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch.

Read more: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/03/08/2011/608545.shtml?from=qip