[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 158


Tomorrow morning a little lower (to collect stops) and rush north to the 1.44700 area:


Tomorrow morning a little lower(to collect stops) and rush north to the 1.44700 area:

Are the takeaways included?

Tomorrow morning we will go a little lower (to collect stops) and break north to the area of 1.44700:

4470 were. New target is 1.4770 from 1.46 a strong pullback (if anything on the fundamentals, it may go down) to 1.43

Another option triangle 1.4480 - 1.4250 but exit up from 1.4420


I don't really understand the phrase, a la, "gather the footings and then...". I mean, I don't understand it at all.

Who's going to do it? Collect for what? Who benefits from it? And as it has already been noted here, someone will receive TP at such a price.

What do you mean by "collecting stops"?


I don't want to have a conflict of course:


US back to top credit rating

16.08.2011 18:25 | © Vesti.Ru

One of the world's top three credit rating agencies, Fitch, has affirmed the long-term sovereign default rating of the United States on its foreign and local currency liabilities at 'AAA' with a 'stable' outlook, ITAR-TASS reported.

"The affirmation of the rating reflects the fact that the foundations of the exceptional creditworthiness of the United States remain unchanged: it is the country's central role in the global financial system, as well as the flexibility, diversification and resilience of its economy, which provides a revenue base," the agency said in a statement.

Confirmation of US ratings completes the review, started by Fitch on August 2. At that time the ratings were placed on review with "negative" outlook.

Another rating agency - Standard & Poor's - on 5 August downgraded the US rating for the first time in history - to "AA+" from "AAA".

After this, the US authorities came down with harsh criticism of Standard & Poor's. The agency, which had dared to lower not only the country's rating, but also the biggest American mortgage agencies, initiated an inspection.

The matter has come to the point that the director Michael Moore called on Barack Obama to arrest the leading analysts of Standard & Poor's. Moore believes that S&P is to blame for both the 2008 global financial crisis and the current plight of the US economy.

The director believes that the blame for the economic crisis that engulfed the planet in 2008 lies with the management of Standard & Poor's, which failed to downgrade mortgage-backed securities in time, causing the formation of a "bubble", whose explosion led to the global financial collapse.

"President Obama, show you're not a slick criminal and arrest S&P executives. These criminals destroyed the global economy years ago and are ready to do it again," the filmmaker wrote on his microblog.

The filmmaker urged the current US president to pay attention to how "similar crooks" are dealt with in Europe. Moore posted on Twitter a link to an article in the British newspaper Guardian that described how Milan police raided the offices of S&P and Moody's to check whether their staff "do their job with integrity and respect for the law".


I don't really understand the phrase, a la, "gather the footings and then...". I mean, I don't understand it at all.

Who's going to do it? Collect for what? Who benefits from it? And as it has already been noted here, someone will receive TP at such a price.

What do you mean by "collect stops"?

That's what shadows are for - to collect stops. The shadow is 350pp, the price was not there, someone has traded 20pp breakeven by trend for half a year.

I feel the dollar is about to collapse.
With what?

I don't quite understand the phrases, a la, "gather the footings and then...". I mean, I don't understand it at all.

Who's going to do it? Collect for what? Who benefits from it? And as it has already been noted here, someone will receive TP at such a price.

What do you mean by "collecting stops"?

The price always goes where more stops have been accumulated...and it is pushed there by those who are interested in it in order to prevent us mortals from speculating on these fluctuations...there are those who can push where they have to...

the trailblazers club (dedicated to selves) hunter's notes (based on...)

"sagging" - (ambush, stakeout, frozen hole, wife found a stash, overtaking through a solid line, chief went abroad to rest and stayed there) - don't sit working! you're on piecework. p.s.