[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 39


Long-term forecasts have nothing to do with it, you just have to understand the market (what it is waiting for and what it has waited for). The uncles (including Soros) started talking about it back in February, but all sorts of "apocalypses" (Libya, Fukushima) rolled in and they forgot about the US default and the debt of peripheral Eurozone countries, and remembered it when the US state budget limit was exhausted and the deadline for the Greek loan application report in May approached. I described in detail how the EURUSD will evolve and that there will be no default and that the Eurozone will not collapse and much more ....

Why are you writing after the vote then:

Well that's it, Obama's shot off... Now what? The market itself doesn't seem to know what to say to all this)

After my explanatory post you write:

Well comedians, they found a clever explanation for everything)) If the market had gone the exact opposite way, you'd be reading a different text now))

Exactly, I wasn't talking about the comedians, I was talking about the market) It really didn't react at the time, at least not to the extent everyone expected.

And the comedians were quick to issue their dispatch, as if to show: "here, look, we've worked our bread"))


Exactly, I wasn't talking about the comedians, I was talking about the market) It really didn't react at that moment, at least not to the extent that everyone expected.

And the comedians were quick to issue their dispatch, as if to say: "here, look, we've worked our bread"))

The reaction was absolutely normal, nothing else was expected....
The reaction was perfectly normal, nothing else was expected....
Well yes, I agree, and everyone was watching the news just to admire congressmen and obama - handsome)
Well yes, I agree, and everyone was watching the news just to admire the congressmen and Obama - handsome)

If this "rescue plan" had not been approved, then yes, there would have been a reaction....

As it was, it was expected, it was just approved and that's it.


If this 'rescue plan' had not been approved, then yes, there would have been a reaction....

But as it was, it was expected, just approved and that's it.

After a fight, as you know, it's always easy to swing fists. Only somehow I am sure that if the eu or the quid had drawn a nice candle at that moment, in either direction, both you and the comedians would now also be giving a very "rational" explanation for what happened)
After a fight, as you know, it is always easy to swing fists. For some reason I am sure that if the Euro or the quid had drawn a nice candle at that moment, in either direction, both you and the comedians would now be giving a very "rational" explanation of what happened).
Once again, I told you a few days ago that there would be no reaction to this information...
Once again, I told you a few days ago that there would be no reaction to this information...
OK, OK, I take your word for it) Comics, no, sorry)
OK, OK, I'll take your word for it) Comics, no, sorry)
We are now waiting for the 4th, as I wrote above today and in Moscow yesterday.
sorry margaret, just got here. what's the 4th?

And for dessert) The world economy escaped crisis

Experts predicted a repeat of the "Great Depression" of the 1930s if the US defaulted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oeq-GebcsBw

PS: You see, they waited, but they didn't wait... Usually when a negative scenario is cancelled, investors react positively. And the more significant the negative scenario was expected, the more significant the positive reaction.

However, in this case we see, I insist) - abnormal calm and equanimity. Since there should have been a reaction (positive), but there isn't. No matter how you look at it...

PPS: It may not be evening (morning) yet, and the market will still give everyone a shout...