Interesting and humorous - page 185


Pages of history: A programme about the new Zaporozhets.


Well, that's right - Aryans (Russians), purity of race, origins-roots, Nibelungs, Valhalla.... And the "pitting" was - the Germans against their Anglo-Saxon brothers. And the "last line of defence of the white race" - the Nenets A ryans was.

Only replace "forces" with "Jews" and "Freemasons" and it will be 100% identical.

You are going the right way!


Details from the 23rd minute onwards:

How do you manage to find this? In spring and autumn there is a disruption because the day has become shorter and the night longer (and vice versa). Just so abruptly became shorter or longer. That's crazy. The length of day and night changes smoothly throughout the year, so the body adapts.

Nothing substantive to answer?
therate of change in day length is different at the pole and the equator, something like a sine wave probably ........ so you could be wrong
the rate of change in day length is different at the pole and the equator, something like a sine wave probably ........ so you may be wrong

Around the sun the earth rotates evenly, around its axis also rotates evenly, hence the length of day and night changes evenly.

But you may think I am wrong if you like.


And here is the formula for the length of the day according to latitude and time of year:

А вот и формула длительности дня в зависимости от широты и времени года:

L This is the duration of the day, and I was talking aboutthe change in duration, in particular I was talking aboutthe rate of change in the duration of the day

I doubt that the second derivative of 1/(arcsin(cos(n + A)) is 0.

The second derivative gives the acceleration, if it is 0 - then the change is uniform, which is not the case if you just think logically


L This is the duration of the day, and I was talking aboutthe change in duration, in particular I was talking aboutthe rate of change in the duration of the day

I doubt that the second derivative of 1/(arcsin(cos(n + A)) is 0.

The second derivative gives the acceleration, if it is 0 - then the change is uniform, which is not the case if you just think logically

Knowing the duration for each day you can find out the rate of change.

I doubt you can tell everything about the formula by just looking at it.

The acceleration cannot be early 0, because the duration of the day is increasing and decreasing.