Interesting and humorous - page 97


Can we see the regiment at all?
Are you aware of the composition of all Armies Center? What if, if you poke around, you find out that the 18th Infantry Regiment was only in one army?
Are you aware of the composition of all the armies in the Centre? What if, if you poke around, it turns out that the 18th Infantry Regiment was only in one army?

Well, it's very difficult:)

The regiment is part of the division.

The division is part of the army.

What difference does it make which regiment is included if tara claims that the toughness, resilience and other positive qualities of our fighters are all, as he says, bullshit?
What difference does it make which regiment is included if tara claims that the toughness, resilience and other positive qualities of our fighters are all, as he says, bullshit?

Vova, have you been put on the money yet?

Vova, have they put you on the money yet?
It's just that the last thing left in the country is patriotism, and the rest is already screwed up.
Moderator, where are you? It looks like the forum is becoming a mess.

Well, it's very complicated :)

The regiment is part of the division.

The division is part of the army.

So? You're telling me they're evenly numbered there. A little digging, I found out, 331st division, and there are 4 divisions in all. So maybe the 18th Regiment was the only one in all the armies.
Moderator, where are you? It looks like the forum is becoming a mess.
Well, if the public wants a moderator's opinion...
During the first year of the war we lost 2.8 million prisoners of war, of which 1 million went to serve in the German auxiliary units.
During the same period Germans lost about 260 thousand, which was many times more than their losses in previous operations.

It is possible to draw a conclusion, that they were run, surrendered and betrayed by untrained, uneducated and not supporting power.
But the cadres, literate and convinced fought to the last cartridge.

Therefore it is impossible to speak about the army as a whole.
However the correlation changed in course of the war and in 45th our army swept away the Kwantung Army which was not at war in weeks, with minimal losses.
Nobody will say a bad word about our fighters in that period.

It is a one-sided sample, pleasant to us Russians to the ear and corresponding to reality by about 51 per cent.
Complete rubbish. Nothing to do with reality.

And this is a boyishly categorical response to a one-sided sample.
By the way, the term, "over the river", as far as I know, was used in the Afghan war, and we are talking about the Great Patriotic War.

Did everyone at school study the execution of General Karbyshev? My shell-shocked grandfather saw it with his own eyes from the POW formation. And about the same time his father (my great-grandfather), already an old man in those years, was visited by a neighbour and told that who was not in the police tomorrow would be shot the day after tomorrow. So my great-grandfather went to register. He spent 10 years after the war for that. But he survived. And I remember him, though from a very early age.

By the way, my grandfathers had six brothers before the war, but only two came back: Nikolai and Ivan. The local "guerrillas" were starving in the woods, they were afraid to shoot a beast lest the Germans hear them. Then when the Germans left, they left the forest with children in their arms - they "fought" there.

You should not have touched this subject at all. It is not interesting and certainly not humourous.