Interesting and humorous - page 88


It all started, I suspect, with email. Then came e-documents, e-money, e-business, e-government, and on we go...

And there it is, the apupeia and apotheosis of e-madness! Ladies and Gosopdas! Behold! Long live the abmundance of Krasnodar Municipality and the one who came up with the name of this shit! For the first time in the arena of the electronic circus (...drum roll...) ELECTRONIC CIVILIAN!


It all started, I suspect, with email. Then came e-documents, e-money, e-business, e-government, and on and on...

And here it is, the apupei and apotheosis of e-marazzlement! Ladies and gentlemen! Behold! Long live the abmundance of Krasnodar City Municipality and the one who came up with the name of this crap! For the first time in the arena of the electronic circus (...drum roll...) ELECTRONIC CITIZEN!

and so what?

..The concept of an e-citizen computer literacy program... a good thing.

You'd better tell us how you got into the administration, because Papaje has his suspicions.


2. Let it be known to you, plush head, that I am not a civil servant.

Fired yet? That was fast. What are you gonna do? No, don't tell me. let me guess. another meme?
No, I haven't been fired yet. I haven't been a civil servant since I left the army in 2000.

Why do you keep saying, "We're in the administration, we're in the administration..."? ?

Are you ashamed of cheating?

Are you really a Chukcha? Then I'll try it your way: not all uniforms are civil service...

Oh yes, I've heard that joke before. We don't even have a president who's a civil servant. There's some clever wording about "replacing something."

You all must be getting a little pissy.

Soon you'll be masquerading as stationery on a desk.

And you'll have positions like chief paperclip of the statistics department, cupholder of the technical department, mop head of ))))).

By the way, I am of Chukchi nationality, so what? What is not to like?

show me the picture
and me and me