TA or something you don't know about. - page 116


I'll surprise you: TA is all about maths, but I'm not sure about removing the appendix.
Right, so I suggested one way of involving maths, but there is no proper discussion, except to call "plumers". Show "non-clearers" using maths - silence.
Right, so I suggested one way of involving maths, but there is no proper discussion, except to call "plumers". Show "non-clearers" using mathematics - silence.

It's simple: when you have "pourers" you don't want to show it either.
Right, so here's one of the options I offered to engage the maths, but there's no proper discussion, other than to call "plummers". Show "non-clearers" involving mathematics - silence.

A familiar lacing, including the same timeframe, you've posted here in Euroflood.

I should go back to mine (it's still in the desk) inthe "Drawings" - at the end of pp... 78,79...


A familiar lacing, including the same timeframe, you've posted here in Euroflood.

I should go back to mine (it's still in the desk) inthe "Drawings" - at the end of pp... 78,79...

You and Yusuf have a primitive grail almost ready - there is very little left to add (well, and to underpin the whole structure with philosophical foundation)

1. You and Yusuf have a primitive grail almost ready - there is very little left to add

2. (Well, and underpin this whole structure with a foundation - philisophy)

Friend Ishim! (I mean, we've been on a first-name basis for a long time)... (If not, I suggest, and the conversation was about it in one of the forum threads, I do not exclude that in the Euroflood, I do not remember exactly which one).

My philosophy is still what it is! - solid foundation (that's how this exp on lacing works (pictures from his test), no Ilan-martin, the lots are constant and everything is uphill)! Adept Larry Williams :-) (so far ONLY reading him in the original and translating with a dictionary :-) Open text from his website and TV - not understandable!)! Hence the info in this branch(pages 41 and 42). Pure foundation and nothing more.

1. The smallest will be in the bAzov TA (see his book and my pictures from pages 41 and 42 of this thread).

2. As long as the structure is propped up by ONE foundation. There will still be a MM (without all the ilano-martin here).

Here's abasic article on this forum: "Meta COT project...". There is a video in one of the Alpari club days.


Friend Ishim! (I mean, we've been on a first-name basis for a long time)... (if not, I suggest, and the conversation was about it in one of the forum threads, I don't exclude that in Euroflood, I can't remember which one right now).

My philosophy is still what it is! - solid foundation (that's how this exp on lacing works (pictures from his test), no Ilan-martin, the lots are constant and everything is uphill)! Adept Larry Williams :-) (so far ONLY reading him in the original and translating with a dictionary :-) Open text from his website and TV - not understandable!)! Hence the info in this branch(pages 41 and 42). Pure foundation and nothing more.

1. The smallest will be in the bAz TA (see his book and my pictures from pages 41 and 42 of this thread).

2. So far the structure is propped up by ONE foundation. There will still be a MM (without all the illano-martin here).

Here's abasic article on this forum: "Meta COT project...". There is a video in one of the Alpari club days.

Swinosaurus is right you are doing what you can't handle.(((( alas.
Swinosaurus is right you are doing what you can't handle.(((( alas.

When there are SPLOSH puzzles here and the order of interpretation, formalisation of readings and the pulse indicator code is not revealed, I do what I understand and what is close to my philosophy.


A familiar lacing, including the same timeframe, you have posted here in Euroflood.

Such lacing would be quite effective in attracting investors. Attracted - earned)))

Such a chippy would be quite effective in attracting investors. Attracted - earned))))

Gotta show it - in real life!

Thank you. Will do. :-)

While struggling with the Lavino-Ilano-Martins... :-)


While struggling with the Lavino-Ilano-Martins... :-)

Who's winning?:-)