TA or something you don't know about. - page 112


ТА или то, о чем вы не знаете.

You're all stupid and untreated! I alone am clever, in a white coat standing pretty! (с)

Didn't know that for sure, didn't even know it.

Now I know exactly what TA is !!! )))

Hey, guys, has a drunken philologist run by here?

How shallow and unmistakable!


Is there nothing wrong with your perception of reality? Maybe you should limit your food intake, because it looks like your brain is full of fat - it doesn't make any sense at all

All right, all right, but don't be nervous.
The DC staff (freelancers) are quickly turning the topic into a flood - they want to take the TA discussion out of the constructive mainstream. (I'm with you in spirit!)

As the Chinese proverb says, you cannot enter the same constructive channel twice.

As the Chinese proverb says, you cannot go into the same constructive direction twice.
it's about the greeks! (the chinese weren't there)
As the Chinese proverb says, you cannot go into the same constructive direction twice.
Yes! Toombs up, Uncle Vova!
(shrugging) Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire.

As the Chinese proverb says, you cannot go into the same constructive direction twice.
Mongolian (I've just had Swine crack me up on Latin)

1. Red font removed...

2. The DC staff (freelancers) are quickly turning the topic into a flood - they want to take the TA discussion out of the constructive mainstream. (I'm with you in spirit!)

1. OK!!! Friend, Ishim! Duly noted. Red is for not wanting to see otherwise!!!

2 Where is the "constructive track"? So far, some "constructive wort" which stinks, especially with lyrics!