TA or something you don't know about. - page 62


...How old are you if you know both of them personally ?

...Take me to him, take me to him, I want to see this man!


Ahhhh, I remember, Time Machine... How many years... Youth... Homeland...


I envy you, honestly, all the best to YOU. )

Vladimir's father Semyon. a front-line friend of the late Nikolai Mikhailovich Skomorokhov. Well, etc.

I'm going out for a smoke... In the meantime, maybe there will be an answer, what is good for us to know about TA ? ))

I'm sorry - you've misunderstood me. Now Peter is coming and you won't feel comfortable. Good night, if you don't mind.

Petrosaurus can't affect my comfort in any way... )

Good night. )

And the question remains, who has been following the thread... what good is it for us to know about TA...? )


If you're really interested and Peter doesn't answer, I will. In two weeks' time. Or three.

Whenever... It's an interesting topic of conversation... And the opinion/answer is interesting to me.