TA or something you don't know about. - page 40

You shouldn't trample on a person for being different and be like a group of teenagers from the movie Scarecrow. It's strange when grown-up uncles display teenage cruelty and toothpick.

IgorM: человек открыто признался, что он ошибался. Возможно я ошибаюсь, но он первый кто признал свою ошибку.

"The first one to admit his mistake" - compared to whom, Igor?

What mistake should others have admitted to?

Why should we have seen before this very confession how the man pretended to be a hoser, supposedly absentmindedly not hearing direct questions on the merits addressed to him? Or do you think he has a bad brain? Don't be ridiculous, it's okay, we know these smart Asians :) (nothing against them).

After this circus, the capitulation looks a bit insincere, forced.

However, I agree that there has already been some progress, judging by recent behaviour in relation to another superidea (about 'investing' in currency).


"The first one to admit his mistake" - compared to who, Igor?

At least with me, I didn't admit my mistakes in public,

Like Niroba and ..... other characters.

Read the last pages of the thread - the man openly admitted he was wrong. I may be wrong, but he is the first to admit his mistake.

Well, if it wasn't for that, I'd still ignore it altogether. ;) (making scary eyes): - "Mistakes must be washed away in blood....."


So back to the technology. I couldn't find a pattern in your example. He first clarified something for himself and then admitted it on the forum. A bold move, no argument there. And unconventional on the forum (probably unfortunately).

But still, if one considers the structure of his prior complacency about the profitability of locs: was it the result of inadequate in-depth analysis? Or just inadequate analysis?

I'm leaning towards the latter. And this superficiality is created by a hasty attempt to patch up self-esteem (i.e. getting good marks from others), and not at all by Yusuf's inability to analyse.

But trading results (even in the tester) are not created by opinions and assessments.... However, I seem to be starting to repeat myself.

What am I to do if the native forum is trampling, so unpunished and, I think, not quite deservedly, actually my own creation, for without the good members of the forum I would not have reached these low heights either.

Well, I've already answered that. Stop asking rhetorically and actually do the two points of the wellness programme:


You don't need to defend yourself against some opinions with others. (1) Understand, the world is not made up of opinions. It is objective. (2) Ignore opinions and swim on your own.

"Don't swim with the current. Don't swim against the current. Swim across if you want to reach the shore."


I rarely come in, it's always the same. WHY AREN'T YOU PEOPLE ON TOPIC? Don't you have anything to talk about? And so much ambition and failed dreams. THIS IS A NIGHTMARE.


For four years I've been following this forum, at least ........


A little off-topic today. sorry.s. alcohol damned.

What is left for me to do if the native forum is trampling, with such impunity and, I think, not quite deservedly, actually its own creation, for without the kind members of the forum I would not have reached these low heights either. Apparently, I have not yet learned how to communicate with people on a proper level.

Yusuf, really, forgive me, but there is something wrong with you... Either you're overly, heartbreakingly, naive. Or you're as dumb as a cork, although, no, I don't think so. There is a discrepancy between the matrix and the template, I get a short circuit, my brain freezes for a few minutes, and I forget what I was thinking a few minutes ago... I jump to another thread, feeling relieved, although I don't understand what the relief is actually from.... I come across your post, which suddenly appeared out of nowhere.... Once again my brain is hanging and unable to do any good for at least 30 minutes...

There's something wrong with you... It's like a virus, you see that the system isn't working as you expect it to, but you can't figure out what is wrong with it...

ZS Sorry, I'm off-topic - another system failure...


... The universe observes the principle of symmetry. Just as for every man there is a woman, so for every living being there is a predator. The great Chain of Eating (a poetic image of the dynamic subsystem of the cosmos called life) must not be broken - if only by virtue of internal necessity. Life implies creation, and creation is impossible without destruction, that is, without death. Thus.

- Why is creation impossible without death? - Carmody asked.

- Don't ask stupid questions," Maudsley interrupted him. - Where was I? Oh yes! So killing is justified, though there are some aspects of it that are difficult to reconcile. A creature in its natural habitat takes the life of another creature, and a third creature takes the life of itself. This simple and natural process is usually so well balanced that the prey and prey tend to ignore it for long periods of time, engaging instead in creating artwork, collecting nuts, contemplating the Absolute or whatever else they find interesting. And so it should be, because Nature (which we usually picture as an old lady dressed in black and brown) doesn't like her rules and principles to become the subject of table talk, street gossip, Congressional speeches or anything in the same vein. You, Carmody, on the other hand, having avoided paying your bills of exchange on your home planet, are still subject to the inexorable Law. Thus, if no predator suitable for you is available in the vastness of space, one must be found. If a suitable predator cannot be found, it must be created.(Robert Sheckley, Coordinates of Miracles)