Market phenomena - page 16

Colleagues, once again - the non-standard histogram only suggested the existence of classification (filtering) which divides the quote flow into two sub-flows of opposite properties with very "smooth" characteristics. That's all, nothing more. Leave this histogram alone.(I'll hide the details, sorry).
Shit... no, that's the wrong term, &&&& - there, that's more correct.

You're still swearing))) You have cited histograms as proof (and have proposed to everybody to build them yourself to be sure), although the whole "phenomenon" that they demonstrate in incorrect sampling, and now "I will hide the details", and histograms are not important. Why did you start a branch if you can't check anything and your mistakes don't count? What if you made mistakes in these hidden studies as well :) And we will smartly discuss the conclusions based on them

Let's be specific about the phenomena, which everyone can check on his own.


Not a freak or a phenomenon. I cannot say for the given data, but in other places this phenomenon has been observed. And traders (based on literary sources), with or close to Pita, report about this phenomenon. Stops are very predictably set by the crowd and institutions on some symbols.

On the currencies, it is said that London likes to go for such stops.

In general, the effect seems to take place, but not everywhere and not all the time. It is the same as always, nothing constant in the market.

yes, london rush still has a place

Yes, the London rush is still going on
Slava, can you check the hourlies, are there any spikes at 12 pips?

In short, guys, it's not the holes in the histograms that are interesting, it's the bumps!

In essence, it's a form of profile markup. The difference is that the profile is usually fixed, and here it sort of follows the price.


You're still swearing))) You have brought histograms as a confirmation (and all predlagued to build themselves to be sure), although the whole "phenomenon" that they demonstrate in incorrect sampling, and now "details hide", and histograms are not important. Why did you start a branch if you can't check anything and your mistakes don't count? What if you made mistakes in these hidden studies as well :) And we will smartly discuss the conclusions based on them

Let's be specific about phenomena that everyone can check for themselves.

No, I'm just saying that as an isolated observation, not as a confirmation. I have highlighted the phenomenon in my post in bold. It is obvious from the text that it is a phenomenon. Like you I have every right to post whatever part of the work I see fit.

And we will smartly discuss the conclusions based on them

You look smart and discuss dumber things.

And your mistakes don't count?

We all make mistakes, I am no exception, in this case, there are no mistakes. Avals, HideYourRichess, MetaDriver don't need to wring your hands and faint, not that I want to offend, but I know how histograms are constructed without you (of course respected). Sometimes you just have to look at things a bit outside the box. That's all.

Let's be specific about the phenomena that everyone can check for themselves.

I am surprised by your unwillingness to read. Once again, I'm writing specifically for you - here:

check it out.


No, that was an isolated observation, not a confirmation. I put the phenomenon in bold in my post. It is obvious from the text that it is a phenomenon. Just as you have every right to post whatever part of the work I see fit.

You are smartly discussing stupider things too.

We all make mistakes, I am no exception, in this case, there are no mistakes. Avals, HideYourRichess, MetaDriver don't need to wring your hands and faint, not that I want to offend, but I know how histograms are constructed without you (of course dear ones). Sometimes you just have to look at things a bit outside the box. That's all.

I am surprised at your unwillingness to read. Once again, I'm writing specifically for you - here:

check it out.

Can you explain to me what is in each column? It should be simple, so that even the rank-and-file ktn understands.
Can you explain to me what is in each column? Even the rank-and-file Ktn will understand, preferably in a simpler way.

Are you kidding me? It is not clear from the first post what is in the columns?

I apologise for the off-topic, all I found out was that everyone believes in their "magic blot", I remember a year ago my multi-currency gold blots worked well.

for what it's worth, can you give me something to touch?


Tell me, are you kidding me? It's not clear from the first post what's in the speakers?
Please, I just want to check.

I apologise for the off-topic, all I found out was that everyone believes in their "magic blot", I remember a year ago my multi-currency gold blots worked well.

for what it's worth, can you give me something to touch?

Maybe later. I'll prepare another batch of phenomena. :о)