FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 270

A case maybe?)))
jokers..... there's nothing like a freshly brewed live quid 4 per litre))))

Where do we get beer for 2 quid?)))
they have more than that... (1 point to breakeven is very interesting - there are probably orders of 100 lots) (as if they were out of a coma)
jokers..... there's nothing like a freshly brewed live quid 4 per litre))))
you don't boil it, you salt it.
Evgeny Romanov 29.07.2011 - 03:59 (GMT time)
The intrigue in the Capitol is like cheap Hollywood - it's not clear until the last second what they meant to say. There are two forces at the Capitol - elephants versus donkeys. There is no difference between elephants and donkeys, they are all the same. Only for some reason elephants are thought to be more conservative. And that is doubtful too. In general, they all are the same there, all of them are mixed and mutated long ago. Whether it's the donkeys that have stumped up, or the elephant fight at Thermopylae. Or is it just two rams on a narrow path, and no one will yield even at the cost of someone else's life. In general, they have one day tomorrow, if no vigorous rating agency shows its energy beforehand, even today. And the scraps will fly by the scraps. One day, at the end of the month. Of course it will not be a default, but a technical default. The donkeys will continue to balk even till the New Year, the executive branch will not be able to function on the financial plane, and there will be outstanding liabilities, sanctions and other pleasures. And there will be a precedent. And Byzantium will be shaken. Or will it collapse? Well, not right away, but at least until the autumn there will be time to clean up their portfolios. It is a refrain in Asia, the way the Chinese and Japanese are afraid of losing everything they have worked for. Give the market a reason and it will start to trend. And it will start dumping America. And after that, it will be hard to stop the avalanche. An avalanche is colossal, because there is too much American paper in the world. And everyone will lose, from America to the average Mongolian shepherd. Markets are like that: give them a reason, and nothing and no one will stop them from going under. A total drain, because drain America will also drain Europe and Australia and Mongolia, and everyone just wants the cache.
Evgeny Romanov 29.07.2011 - 03:59 (GMT time)
The intrigue in the Capitol is like cheap Hollywood - it's not clear until the last second what they meant to say. There are two forces at the Capitol - elephants versus donkeys. There is no difference between elephants and donkeys for a long time, they are all the same. Only for some reason elephants are thought to be more conservative. And that is doubtful too. In general, they all are the same there, all of them are mixed and mutated long ago. Whether it's the donkeys that have stumped up, or the elephant fight at Thermopylae. Or is it just two rams on a narrow path, and no one will yield even at the cost of someone else's life. In general, they have one day tomorrow, if no vigorous rating agency shows its energy beforehand, even today. And the scraps will fly by the scraps. One day, at the end of the month. Of course it will not be a default, but a technical default. The donkeys will continue to balk even till the New Year, the executive branch will not be able to function on the financial plane, and there will be outstanding liabilities, sanctions and other pleasures. And there will be a precedent. And Byzantium will be shaken. Or will it collapse? Well, not right away, but at least until the autumn there will be time to clean up their portfolios. It is a refrain in Asia, the way the Chinese and Japanese are afraid of losing everything they have worked for. Give the market a reason and it will start to trend. And it will start dumping America. And after that, it will be hard to stop the avalanche. An avalanche is colossal, because there is too much American paper in the world. And everyone will lose, from America to the average Mongolian shepherd. Markets are like that: give them a reason, and nothing and no one will stop them from going under. A total drain, because drain America will also drain Europe, and Australia, and Mongolia, and everyone just wants the cache.

Thank you. I agree with him, that's why they won't give a reason.

I don't feel like buying yet)))


I don't feel like buying yet)))

And it looks like it's for nothing

I wonder how many people are hanging out in the bays, as I said yesterday - we may not have time to close.

I consider the bearish trend as a short-term one, I will not give exact figures - I am not clairvoyant))), maybe 1.4130, maybe, as Tantrik said, 1.4050, but we will move up at least in the medium term, i.e. not less than half a year.

You're kidding 8-), I knew about 27.07 two months ago, Gunn whispered it to me:

Here is how it was. I was checking the idea given by Mixon about the Gunn square. I immediately saw that the guy was idealizing this tool, to put it mildly, and suggested a counter-version:

1. He started from extremum near 9/11 - very significant day of the year (John the Baptist's head truncation), cataclysms are attracted to it, it's a coven.

2. without any manipulations I typed statistics - no preset patterns, horoscopes, manipulations, shifts of start date etc., the square had to manifest itself.

3. Main idea according to Pareto rule: 80% of extrema will be chaotically scattered around the square, and 20% will be 80% organised.

4.A clear diagonal of highs appeared in the figure and I was tracking it -- surprisingly, the high of 27.07 is clearly on it.


I don't feel like buying yet)))

My timetable is not the same as yours