FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 126

I sailed home. Till tomorrow's tales.....))))

Good luck!

For me Forex is a war of numbers )))) If someone can explain to me that this monster is really influenced, I'll consider that I have come close to another mystery of Genesis ))))

I doubt anyone will be able to explain it.... Everyone who thinks wants to understand this mystery or explain it, at least for himself...

Why have you abandoned your branch?

Why have you abandoned your branch?

Because no one is interested )))) If to exaggerate, it all comes down to numerology and inexplicable mysticism, and the mind clogged with stereotypes FA, TA, GA and VA does not accept it )))) And so I give out the latest versions of my TS through a private message to those who write ))))

Because no one is interested )))) If to exaggerate, it all comes down to numerology and inexplicable mysticism, and the mind clogged with stereotypes FA, TA, GA and VA does not accept it )))) And so I give out the latest versions of my TS through personal communication to those who write ))))

And I want to!!!))

They say "the European currency is on a slight plus")

and it's called "Investors alarmed by the likelihood of more debt crisis.")


Because no one is interested )))) If to exaggerate, it all comes down to numerology and inexplicable mysticism, and the mind clogged with stereotypes FA, TA, GA and VA will not accept it ))))

So it is clear, who will be interested to suffer with drawdowns of more than 300 points. If you would post your trades all the time, people would surely be interested. I personally would be interested to see it.

Yeah, while I was answering I read the addendum. Please email me the updated TS.


so clearly, who would be interested in taking a loss of more than 300 pips. If you constantly posted your trades as you trade, people would probably be interested. Personally, I would be interested to see it.

I already wrote that I misinterpreted the signal )))) It's not a reversal, but a correction zone, flat, the very middle of the move))). The reversal begins at other levels ))))
Catch ))))

They say "the European currency is on a slight plus")

and it's called "Investors alarmed by the likelihood of more debt crisis.")

This is outdated news....