FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 98

now waiting for EU bank stress test data at 20:00 MSK
They are only going to be announced on Friday, aren't they? Where is the information coming from?
What is the dollar climbing up on? Against the yen, the franc and the pound? The fundamentals are negative.
Exactly, in different ways. And so far, apart from ignorance of the real mechanisms of the market and belief in conspiracy the facts among your throwing sparks I have not seen.

I see...conceit, again conclusions and labels about what I believe in.

Tell us the FACTS about the market and its mechanisms, and we'll listen to the vegetables! I've already made the chips, I've got the coke. Market mechanisms, please.

They're not going to be announced until Friday, are they? How do you know?
What is the dollar climbing up on? Against the yen, the franc and the pound? The fundamentals are negative.

It's squeaking, but it's climbing.

EU bank stress test results to be published on 15 July - EBA


I see...ego, again conclusions and labels about what I believe in.

Tell us the FACTS about the market and its mechanisms, and we'll listen to the vegetables! I've already made the chips, I've got the coke. The mechanisms of the market...

Sign up for a course, what am I to you, a help desk? I was simply pointing out that your vision of a world with evil men behind the scenes who want to profit from the general chaos is a delusion that has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Such babble can only be uttered by someone with a paranoid mindset.

Beeping but climbing.

That's a good point. May drop sharply towards the end of the day. There have been a couple of times in the last 2 months when it's beeping all day against the foundation, but climbing, and then 5 minutes before the end of the session, it's tearing off in the right direction.

Here too on forexfactory only Friday stress test results.

What is the dollar climbing up on? Against the yen, the franc and the pound? The fundamentals are negative.

It is not going anywhere)))) The bottom is not visible on the pound yet)))) By the franc - 0.82527)))) On the Yen - 78.801)))
Sign up for a course, am I your information bureau? I was simply pointing out that your vision of a world with evil men behind the scenes who want to profit from the chaos is a delusion which has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Such babble can only be spouted by someone with a paranoid mindset.

Going right off)))) How do you know about the real situation? Are you a finance tycoon or the grandson of Vanga? You are too personal and babbling, no facts, but a lot of self talk) You'd better not even mention mental health, okay? read my profile and then shame on you.