FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 84

Well ... if that's how you define liquidity then I would say the euraselander and the lbw is a lot more fun than the eurobucks and lbw ... it's not hard to see why ...
In general the euroland is the most cheerful) Many people think it is an indicative pair that shows the state of the market at the moment. But there are more people in EURJPY, and its psychology is well studied. But I started with EURJPY.
In fact, the Eurojena is the most fun).
Is it a rumour or have you worked it out for yourself? ))
Is it hearsay or have you determined it yourself? ))

Read it, that's what the pros think) In fact, logically, the EUR is the riskiest currency, the Yen is the shelter currency. That is essentially two extremes. Which is reflected in significant volatility.

Plus it is actively traded during all sessions - Asia, Europe and America.

Handelsblatt: "European ministers cannot agree on a second aid package for Greece. Major contradictions between the positions of Germany and the ECB. The French model is no longer on the table. In this case Greece would have to declare a selective default. Germany is proposing an exchange of all government bonds at one time for new ones. This is being categorically opposed by the ECB, which is warning that it will no longer accept Greek bonds as collateral if the rating agencies assess the move as a default.
2011.07.12 04:01:43 *IMF chief Lagarde: Italy needs to focus on fiscal consolidation
2011.07.12 04:02:11 *Lagarde: Italy's current economic problems are "market driven"
2011.07.07.12 04:02:57 *Lagard: Italy's economic growth "definitely needs to accelerate"
2011.07.12 04:03:39 *Lagard: New management decisions to be announced Tuesday
focus, accelerate...... but seem to be moving slowly, with bounces and divorces globally towards parity....
All in, triggered overnight, -13.2% of the depo.
All in, triggered overnight, -13.2% of the depo.
Why don't you use an indicator to reduce misses (see e.g. p.56)?

I see there aren't many of us left in the branch(((.

And most are silent.

Yes, it's interesting here. In less than 24 hours, and so chic to go south .Yesterday chopped down 15% on baulimit from sales profit, and today it's already +82% to the profit balance. It's been a long time since it's been this "fun".